I'm going to be about 2 hours from some of my old college honey holes in Ky that I haven't hunted in a while. Moved the fiancé up there last weekend and went and drove the country side a little east of Dayton. Even knocked on a few doors inquiring about bow hunting. Apparently everyone there bow hunts and most places seem to be a little crowded. That's ok I'll land something. Talked to a guy about the Hills in eastern Ohio. He said they were big. I asked how big and he said some spots are a 300 foot climb. I didn't laugh at him. That actually sounds nice. I have over a 1000 foot climb in about a half mile on the wma next to the house right now. Don't eat breakfast before you start that hike, you'll toss your cookies halfway up. Been there done that. Looking forward to hunting some new terrain in a new place.