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U.S. Slam: Who is Chasing It?

Started by YELPA, June 03, 2012, 10:22:10 PM

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In my post-season boredom, I was wondering just how many people are chasing the U.S. Slam now?  It seems to have some momentum now and I talk with more people each season that have added it to the bucket list.  So, who here is trying to check off all 49 states?  Where you at?  Why are you doing it?
I'm at 19 now and trying to add 3 +/- each year.  Doesn't always work out.  Only checked off 1 in 2011 and 2 in 2012.  I'm using it as a method to see the Country.  Plus, I find the biggest thrill out of continuously hunting new ground.  Every day a new discovery and view.  Now I've got some special places I will go back to over and over but there is something to be said about rolling into a place you've only seen on a map and having 3 or 4 days to make it happen, too.  My wife says I have some odd attraction to maps, too.  I've got folders labeled by state that continue to get thicker.  I try and tell her planning is a year round venture.  


I am persuing my grand slam.Texas is next year and i will be done.
Might persue my royal or maybe world one day but for now im focused on the four birds.


I'm not necessarily trying to kill a turkey in every state but I also love the challenge of hunting new places. I have 15 states that I have killed turkeys in and try to add a different state each year. There are a few that I have repeated a few times just because I either like the company or the area hunted.

RIP Marvin Robbins




Going to officially kick it off next year. The wife and I like to travel anyway, so it shouldn't be real hard to convince her to go on a road trip every spring!


If I had unlimited time, money, and a sympathetic wife, I would probably do this,...but I have none of those three necessary components....



She just has to be mildly understanding and thoroughly spoiled out of season.  Then again, you probably already know that better than I.
The time must be borrowed and the money budgeted.  A tent and public land help to somewhat counter the $3.50 gas and $150 plus licenses.



I really haven't been after one, and only need a Merriam to seal the deal. When I can work it in would love to have a Merriam fan or mount, so I will get one in the near future.


finished my World Slam this year so I'm now going after the US Slam.  i think living out west makes it a little more difficult you have a great deal of traveling and planning to get as many states in the east in the least amount of time as you can.

Tail Feathers

I don't have any plans to do it.  I do, however, reserve the right to change my mind on it. :funnyturkey: :icon_thumright:
Love to hunt the King of Spring!

West Augusta

I'm thinking Grand Slam with a single call. This year I bagged an Eastern and a Rio with a Brian Mero  trumpet. Plan on going after a Merriams with it next year.
No trees were hurt in the sending of this message, however a large number of electrons were highly inconvenienced.


Trying to hunt 2 or 3 states a year.  I'm 34, hopefully I have plenty of time.  I've killed them in 12 states, struck out in another 7.  Unfortunately it seems like I tend to have luck in the same places where as other states I'm snake bit in!
"I do not hunt turkeys because I want to, I hunt them because I have to. I would really rather not do it, but I am helpless in the grip of my compulsion" Tom Kelly, The Tenth Legion, 1973


It takes as much will power as it does anything else. There is no cheap route regardless of resources available or public or outfitter hunts. You will have a lot of time and money invested regardless. Im not after all 49 as I just enjoy running around and hunting different places. My friend finished his on a blue collar job. You dont have to be rich just save all your extra dough for that one thing. I have seen the determination required. I was with a friend this year and called in his #49. He had missed on a solo hunt just the day before. The following day on May 3rd #49 went down 10 minutes off the roost. Two opposite ends of the emotions you could feel in such a short period of time. I have been with him on several trips but this year was the best naturally. That goal is a road filled with ups and downs. Good luck.   
"Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail"


I have a goal of killing a bird in all of the lower 48 states. I don't have much interest in going to Hawaii to hunt a bird that was introduced and is not natural. If I were to spend that kind of money, I'd go for a Goulds instead.
I have already achieved my Grand Slam, and have killed birds in Florida, S. Carolina, W. Virginia, Ohio, Michigan, Oklahoma and Nebraska. I have unsuccessfully hunted Alabama and Georgia.
Only 41 states left to go. ;D But, considering that I am 51, and will be 52 by the time next spring season rolls around, I'm gonna have to get my fanny in gear if I want to achieve this goal. :-\  Guess I know what I'll be doing each spring when I retire. :fud: :OGani: :lol:

dirt road ninja

Not actively trying, but would like to try and kill birds other than where I already have.