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Anyone who likes Google Earth should check out this map.

Started by handcannon, February 10, 2012, 10:14:02 PM

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click birds eye to get an extremely close HD arial shot... its running off Microsofts bing.com/maps and their views are much more current and detailed..
<blockquote class="imgur-embed-pub" lang="en" data-id="l4hWuQU"><a href="//imgur.com/l4hWuQU"></a></blockquote><script async src="//s.imgur.com/min/embed.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Turkeyslayer 101

Be sharp but don't cut yourself!





Sweet! Thanks man.  I just found a new clearing I didn't know was there and it will probably have some birds this year. Have to get in there the next few weeks and see if any are hanging out.


silent water runs deep


Definitely newer photos than Google.  Thanks for the info.  I conduct wetland delineations for a living and acquire wetland permits through the corps of engineers for clients.  That being said, USFWS has a wetland mapping system known as the National Wetland Inventory.  Within their site they have an interactive mapper where that you can pan around the country and find wetlands.  This mapper is useful for other things as well.  You can turn off the wetland layer and pull in aerials and TOPOS of the entire country.  The imagery dates vary by location but the TOPO portion is very useful.  Give it a try http://www.fws.gov/wetlands/Data/Mapper.html then click "Click here to open the wetlands mapper".   Once open in the top right hand corner uncheck the wetland status layer and the basemap can be changed.  Give it a try.  I use it all the time. 
"Life is tough, it's even tougher if you're stupid."


Anyone know how to zoom out once you have zoomed in on this map?


I just use the scroll roller on your mouse to zoom in and out.

spur collector



I used it earlier in the year before I headed to Louisiana's Delta to waterfowl hunt.

It's a sweet site.


I use their maps a bunch and they are very helpful, it is way more current than most and I love the bird's eye view!! 

I also use another site here in Iowa...for you Iowa guys...do a search for iowa geographic map server...and have fun.  It's pretty cool as you can look at previous year maps and can see how much things change...especially in flood areas