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Custom Callls?

Started by Neill_Prater, January 06, 2012, 03:54:53 PM

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some custom calls are worth the money others aren't better than mass produced calls


Can't compare! Custom all the way


I've used production calls that worked fairly well but as others have said most of them seem to have a dead spot somewhere. A good custom call maker will normally make their calls with precision and pride.  I started making calls only about five years ago and today it's still a learning experience. I do it because it's a hobby I like and I'm always trying to improve.  Every piece of wood will have different properties.  I can make two calls from the same board and the dimensions be exactly the same and the calls have a slightly different sound.  I say first use a call that you are comfortable with and you can run well. If it's a $14.99 call from Wally World or a custom.  If it's what the birds like that day, you'll call him in.  I mostly use calls I've made personally or from other people on here that I just wanted one of their calls because they like myself take pride in what they do. I've bought a couple of call from people on here that go to the woods with me every time I go.

ferocious calls

I always said the beauty is in the turkey hunter's ear. If he feels confident using it and has some woodsmanship he will kill more birds.

One guy will dislike what another thinks is the best he ever heard. I seen it over and over at shows.


Another thing...back to the sounding like a turkey bit... I have heard calls on hunting shows that sounded pretty ridiculous.. killed turkeys but I personally want a call that screams turkey, that alone boosts my confidence.
Hook's Custom Calls
Keep The Fever Custom Calls
Romans 3:24


I don't think anyone will have the story about switching to a custom call and all of a sudden turkeys were running down their gun barrel. But that doesn't mean they don't help.

If you kill one or two more birds because you didn't accidentally hit a flat spot you won't know it. That gobbler came that day is all you know. We don't know about the one that would have gotten away.

As far as confidence goes I would rather have a vest full of production calls that I have practiced with than a vest full of calls that were "custom" that I had never run before.  The only production call I carried in my vest last year was a peacock call. But I don't carry the others just because they are custom - they gotta sound turkey to make my vest.

ol bob

As a custom call make for 15 year before retiring i told the customer that you could get as call as good as i made at wally world but you may have to buy 5 to get a good one. when i sold one i would replace it as long as i was able if they were not happy. I have repaired calls as far back as 1998 that had been broken. This is the one reason to pay more for a custom call. Most custom call maker will make there call good.


I like supporting fellow turkey hunters.


People hear and sound different just like turkeys. I have heard guys calling to me that sounded awful, but they managed to kill a turkey with the call (production).
Several years ago my wife bought my first custom call, a glass pot call from Supreme turkey calls. It is a shore enough turkey call. I do not hunt with out it. But I have a  production copper pot call from Preston Pittman that is deadly as well. It is that good, don't hunt with out it either.
Now to me mouth callers are a no brainer because to me there is no comparsion between custom mouth callers and production. I prefer the custom.
Boils down to two things ABILITY and CONFIDENCE without either you ain't got nothing.

Good Luck and God Bless
Blessed are the peacemakers for they are the children of God.


A custom call maker probably will not send out a call that he/she would not go out and hunt with....when it comes to mass produced calls, some sound good some don't. I like buying calls from the custom maker for this reason and also for the customer service, these guys want to please the customer and most go above and beyond to see a satisfied buyer.

I have bought mass produced calls before and probably will again but most times my money is going to the smaller custom makers. 



I have to sound off...........there are three words that were constantly showing up in the posts, custom....confidence ... and comfortable. These three words defines the user and maker alike. I feel that ANY CALL that even slightly sounds like a turkey will eventually bring a bird, though he may be deaf, but , IMO ... it is the bird that will define the call's ability to entice it in.  You can ask any hunter that has a custom call, they just feel better in your hands, I make my pots that way, confidence comes with practice and time in the woods. Costs are variable, but the time and effort a call maker puts into their calls is worth something isn't it? And one issue that was raised.............MADE IN AMERICA WITH AMERICAN HANDS.........I guarantee my calls as so many call makers, 100% you don't like it you don't keep it and you don't have to send it to China for a refund or another call. I offer to play my calls over the phone or face to face, I listen to the user's wants, and desires they are looking for in the call, and address those issues to THEIR liking. This brings COMFORTABLE to the forefront.  Being comfortable with a call means you'll work with it more and the sound you hear, ultimately gets better, gets closer to the turkey's and makes it more exciting when you are in the woods and all those hours of work on the call and practice in the user's hands.....come together as that Old Gobbler drops at 30 yards........so.......do I think custom calls out perform mass produced calls in the woods or field.....absolutely I do, are they worth the difference in price, eehhhh.....some are, I wouldn't pay over a 100 bucks, and carry it out there, taking a chance to lose it, but I would buy one to offer my support to the men and women in this country still practicing the art so the heritage of hunting will live on forever.....pappy
my new email is paw.paw.jack@sbcglobal.net


I have to agree with pappy and a lot of what's been said here. I make custom calls and I have played a call over the phone for people and also played them face to face. I spend a lot of time showing and explaining to people just how to improve their personal skills on a call. 


My view is in line with what lots of folks are saying.  I think it is all about preference and confidence, but I will also add that for me, part of the fun is not doing the same thing or sounding the same way all the time.  I like to change things up and use different calls on different days just for the sake of giving the birds a little something different to hear.  Therefore, I have LOTS of calls, mouth calls, pot calls, box calls, you name it.  95% of them would be considered custom calls because I tend to like and respect the craftsmanship that goes into making a hand made call.

Any call that sounds like a turkey can kill a turkey, but I have calls that I like better than others because I have a sound that I like and have the most confidence in. The best part about the ecosystem that is the custom call are of turkey hunting is that there is all the variety that you could want.  Have fun trying and playing and go with the ones that you like the sound and build confidence in them.  The killing will take care of itself.  I believe that calling is a much smaller part of a successful turkey hunt than many other skills and factors, but that is the subject of another post.

Safe and Happy Hunting!

Follow me on twitter @GobblerChaser.

Turkey Trot

The Chinese children in sweatshops make the best turkey calls from plastic.

:TooFunny: :TooFunny:
Until The Turkeys Have Their Historians, Tales Of The Hunt Shall Always Glorify The Hunter


I have got custom calls that I paid over one hundred dollars for... yeah some sound good others don't I have got custom calls I paid twenty dollars for and they sound just as good as the more expensive ones.... my opinion.... just because they cost alot doesm't mean they bleed turkey...I can play one.... but you need to watch out  because not all custom call makers can put a turkey in a pot... yeah ... just my opinion.