Minnesota State Turkey Calling Contest
Saturday, January 14, 1:00pm-3:30pm
Crown Plaza Hotel - St. Paul, MN
Divisions: North Star Open: $20 entry, 1st $150, 2nd $75, 3rd $50
State: $20 entry 1st $150 2nd $75 3rd $50
Friction: $20 entry 1st $150 2nd $75 3rd $50
Junior: (ages 13-20) $10 entry 1st $25 and prizes 2nd $10 and prizes 3rd prizes
Poult: (12 and under) Free to enter, prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd
Owl Hooting: $10 entry, 1st $50, 2nd $25, 3rd $10
High quality, photographic plaques similar to last year's event to be awarded to the top three in each division.
Registration from 11:00am - 1:00pm
Callers meeting at 1:00pm and contest begins immediately after the callers meeting.
Contact myself for more info: