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You're not going to believe this- Attackwatch.com- paid for by Obama for America

Started by lightsoutcalls, September 14, 2011, 01:26:02 PM

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Quote from: Dylan T on September 23, 2011, 11:41:49 AM
Quote from: lightsoutcalls on September 22, 2011, 06:22:31 PM
I know the economy is in the toilet, but does nobody else happen to see what obama has done on his own here... bowing to kings of middle east countries, apology tours to the world on behalf of the U.S., encouraging queers to serve openly in the military, refusing to acknowledge the National Day of Prayer, refusing to make a proclamation recognizing Easter, but throwing a big celebration for rhamadan, openly stating that the U.S. willl no longer defend the Defense of Marriage act...

Seriously, there are MANY other factors besides the economy to consider.  Some of these carry consequences greater than those of the economy for our country.  If this nation loses the favor of God, it won't be long before you won't recognize it from any other 3rd world nation.  

At least get your facts right. This to me pretty much looks like acknowledging the national day of prayer. Don't agree with things, fine, but don;t make things up.


***NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, do hereby proclaim May 5, 2011, as a National Day of Prayer.  I invite all citizens of our Nation, as their own faith or conscience directs them, to join me in giving thanks for the many blessings we enjoy, and I ask all people of faith to join me in asking God for guidance, mercy, and protection for our Nation.***

As far as queers in the military, it doesn't matter. There's braver queers out there defending our freedom than there are lazy good for nothing hetrosexuals sitting on their @sses back home. There are bigger things for you to worry about.

Dylan, my bad about the proclomation on the National Day of Prayer.  I should have stated that he did not attend it as presidents in the past have.  Thanks for your correction.  I do know that he did not acknowledge his personal invitation to attend from those in charge of observing this event in Washington DC. 

As for your determining what I should worry about, please don't.  Some people believe the reports that the president and his "yes men" in the military publicized about how this would not effect our military.  Others have more insight from persons serving in the military who recognize that there is a lot more to it than our administration would have us believe.  Time will tell. 
The point of this argument is this - this administration has given special recognition to and promotes a deviant behavior that was classified some years ago as a diagnosable mental illness (DSM III).  They would want us to believe that people are "born that way", which is not fact.  The administration of "tolerance" is completely intollerant of those who would express facts that run contrary to their agenda.  If voicing that makes me a lazy good for nothing heterosexual in you mind, it won't hurt my feelings any.  I promise I won't lose any sleep over it.  It is out of my respect for those who serve that it bothers me so much that an administration would use our military as a social experiment by giving preferential treatment to a group as a result of a chosen behavior.  I didn't question anyone's "bravery" in my comment.  That was your observation.  My concern is that in the stress of battle, our troops don't need to be distracted by someone checking out their junk in the shower or flirting with them on or off the battlefield. 
Please, tell me why it is important that a deviant behavior be promoted or protected.  How will this improve the functioning or efficiency of our military?  If you question the identification of the behavior being deviant, I'll be glad to get you some information about the statistics related to increased occurence of certain communicable diseases in this people group.  Once you give protected status to persons in one deviant behavior, you open the door to the next deviant group to push their agenda.  What's next? Protecting NAMBLA, the North American Man/Boy Love Association?
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NAMBLA  After all, pedophelia is just another preference...  Who's to say that people aren't born that way?  What about people that like to spend quality time with farm animals... It's just a preference... Maybe people are born that way too.  Think it's a stupid argument?  How many people ever thought they would see the day that homosexuals would be encouraged to openly serve in the military. 

Think about this for a moment:

"Fallacies do not cease to be fallacies because they become fashions." T.K. Chesterton
Lights Out custom calls - what they're dying to hear!


Personally, if somebody's preferences or actions involve the mutual consent of participating adults (not children, not animals), then I believe the government has absolutely NO business getting involved.  But then again...I'm a Libertarian.  ;)   


Saying  "as presidents in the past have" implies something that is not true.  From Snopes.com:

"Although it is true that President Obama has so far chosen not to host an ecumenical service in the East Room of the White House in observance of the National Day of Pryer as his predecessor, President George W. Bush, did each year throughout his tenure in office, that service was a personal preference of President Bush; it was neither an official ceremony prescribed by the bill that established the National Day of Prayer nor a long-standing presidential tradition.  In fact, George W. Bush is the only president who has regularly organized White House events in observance of that day:  President Ronald Reagan hosted only one throughout his eight years in office (a 1982 Rose Garden event), President George H. W. Bush also hosted only one during his four years in office (a 1989 State Dining Room breakfast), and President Bill Clinton hosted none at all in the course of his eight-year presidency."

As I said in an earlier thread, I wish this stuff was only posted on the various right-wing sites where an untruth or half-truth never gets in the way of a good narrative


Oh, and by the way, George W. Bush held eight Ramadan dinners while in office.  And no president has issued a proclamation recognizing Easter in at least twenty years.  Both George Bush and Obama have made statements recognizing Easter.  Kind of takes us back to the original post at the beginning of this thread.


Quote from: willy8457 on September 22, 2011, 05:56:55 PM
The truth of the matter is , we didn't have a choice in last election. M cain Palin would have been four more years of Bush  Politics. which would have been worse than Obama. Everybody  blames everything on Obama, the deficit to the recovery from the recession.  As far as the deficit goes  if anybody doesn't understand that the deficit was caused by two wars and Bushes Tax cuts they need to wake up.  I agree that Obama hasn't lived up to his end of the bargain. But sad to say I don't see one person on either side worth voting for. The dems lack leadership, and the Rep. will do anything to make Obama Bad  At any cost.  The debt ceiling debate a couple weeks ago was  prove that or govt. is out of control. Give me anybody thats worth voting for  Rep. or Dem.

* MCcain would have been worse than Obama????---wow!!!! Obama is such a bad president he even makes Hillary Clinton look good.
* Republicans will do anything to make Obama look bad??  That statement is almost funny---he doesn't need any help. 


Quote from: Struttinhusker on September 23, 2011, 04:33:10 PM
Oh, and by the way, George W. Bush held eight Ramadan dinners while in office.  And no president has issued a proclamation recognizing Easter in at least twenty years.  Both George Bush and Obama have made statements recognizing Easter.  Kind of takes us back to the original post at the beginning of this thread.

Well--I have to hand it to you--it takes some nards to stand up for Obama these days-- especially here on a website filled with patriotic Americans who eschew conservative ideals.  From my observations, the only groups sticking with Obama are the Homos, socialists, racial minorities, atheists and the like. 


Then I assume following the commandment "Thou shall not bear false witness" is not a conservative ideal.


All of the above is a glaring example of why politics, religion, and certain other subjects should never be brought up on forums such as this.  Nothing constructive ever comes from it.....

Come on turkey season!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:newmascot:       :newmascot:       :newmascot:


All of this aside one only needs to read his books and listen to his speeches to understand why he is bad for this nation. Speak to the now millions of unemployed persons about his not working stimulus plans, consider he wants the government to run our health care (look at what a great job they have done with social security and other programs) and does not listen to the majority of people that do"not want it" controlled by any group of politicians (and you do not need "snoops" for this). Also I wonder struttinhusker at 18 posts your location hidden and most of your posts about the annointed one what you are doing here?


Quote from: Struttinhusker on September 27, 2011, 09:45:08 AM
Then I assume following the commandment "Thou shall not bear false witness" is not a conservative ideal.


I may have missed it on a couple of issues of "proclomations vs. attendance" and such, but do you REALLY want to bring a matter of lying (bearing false witness) up in reference to conservatives?  REALLY?  Here we go... 
"Most importantly, Rev. Wright preached the gospel of Jesus, a gospel on which I base my life. In other words, he has never been my political advisor; he's been my pastor. And the sermons I heard him preach always related to our obligation to love God and one another, to work on behalf of the poor, and to seek justice at every turn.

The statements that Rev. Wright made that are the cause of this controversy were not statements I personally heard him preach while I sat in the pews of Trinity or heard him utter in private conversation. When these statements first came to my attention, it was at the beginning of my presidential campaign. I made it clear at the time that I strongly condemned his comments. But because Rev. Wright was on the verge of retirement, and because of my strong links to the Trinity faith community, where I married my wife and where my daughters were baptized, I did not think it appropriate to leave the church. "

   See how many lies you can count in the above text from obama's own mouth to the huffington post on March 14th, 2008.  Will you excuse HIS lies for the sake of political expediency? 
Listen, I'll be glad to admit when I have missed details of an issue, as I have done in this very thread.  The difference here is that I am not running for the most powerful position in this world.  In the above quote, mr obama stated that he lives his life based on the gospel of Jesus.  Again, I know I have failed to live up to God's expectations and standards, but I also know that I haven't promoted, protected and glorified a lifestyle that God calls an abomination.  I haven't stood on a worldwide stage and promoted homosexuality, abortion, taking what others have earned to give to those who have not or the like. 
   Let's move to another commandment...  Thou shalt not kill.  Recently one of our 57... I mean 50 states voted to defund Planned Parenthood.  Our president is so in bed with this agency that he and his administration threatened to cut Medicaid funding to their state if they enacted this vote. 

"Last month Indiana voted to defund Planned Parenthood and the Obama administration is not taking kindly that choice. The AP is reporting that the Obama administration may withhold up to $4.3 billion in Medicaid funding for low income healthcare from Indiana if they do not change their mind about defunding Planned Parenthood.

Planned Parenthood has long been a target of pro-life advocates as they perform more than one in four US abortion and are one of the most outspoken political defenders of the procedure. In Indiana, Planned Parenthood performs over half of all abortions based on their latest annual report which showed that they did 5,580 termination procedures. About 10,700 abortions are annually performed statewide by all providers.

The question facing the Obama administration is whether they are willing to leave low-income families without health care to punish Indiana. Last week the White House and HHS ordered Indiana to reinstate funds for Planned Parenthood."

The above is from the 6/5/11 post of Live Action blog.  So, through his threat, obama was saying that if you defund the killing of innocent babies, I'm going to take away $4.3 billion dollars in funding for Medicaid.  Seems like we always hear that it is republicans wanting to take away healthcare assistance... could that be another lie by the left? 
And PLEASE, don't even go to the argument about capital punishment being the same as abortion...  That just gets into STUPID on a much grander scale. 

What about "thou shalt not covet"...  For the sake of space, I'll only post a link to an article from the Wall Street Journal about obama's redistribution of wealth ideals.

Basically the idea of redistribution of wealth takes (taxes) from those who have risked time and money for financial gain, and gives the profits made by those folks to others who would not choose to take those risks.  This is why "big oil" is demonized and claims are made about huge tax loopholes, etc.  I know it's difficult for some to disengage from the rhetoric, but think about this... If you cut the profits of ANY company that produces a product or provides a service, in turn that company will do one of 4 things: 1) pass on the difference in price/profit to the consumer,  2) outsource their work to another country where labor is cheaper, thus leveling the profit playing field, 3) find another market for their products or 4) go out of business. 
When someone "demonizes" another due to the other living a more expensive lifestyle or having more expensive toys, what they are doing in essence is coveting... desiring to live that same lifestyle or have nicer stuff.  Whether it be a mom and pop operation that succeeds, WalMart for example (hate them if you want, but they are not a non-profit organization) or a big oil company, the idea for them initially was to risk their own time and money on a business venture that was not guaranteed to succeed.  Once they did succeed, it is theirs to do with as they please.  It is not the right of a government to decide how much of their own money they get to keep.  ON a side note, from about.com:
"The current salary (2011) for rank-and-file members of the House and Senate is $174,000 per year." 
That's not exactly a fixed income.

How about "thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain"?

Joe Biden to the Wall Street Journal:

"I can see Putin sitting in Moscow saying, 'Jesus Christ, Iran gets the nuclear weapon, who goes first?' Moscow, not Washington."

How is that "in vain"?  Let's see what Webster says:

adj \?v?n\
: having no real value : idle, worthless <vain pretensions>
: marked by futility or ineffectualness : unsuccessful, useless <vain efforts to escape>
: archaic: foolish, silly

Sounds like he hit "vain" on the head. 

When it comes down to it, we are probably all guilty of breaking many of the commandments.  The Bible clearly tells us that if we break them in thought, we are just as guilty as if we had committed them in deed. 

I find it quite interesting that in condemning or belittling conservatives, you chose to use the Ten Commandments, the very "document" that liberals have had removed from courthouses, schools, banks and public places because of its connections to the Christian faith. 
Lights Out custom calls - what they're dying to hear!


Quote from: GobbleNut on September 27, 2011, 09:47:09 AM
All of the above is a glaring example of why politics, religion, and certain other subjects should never be brought up on forums such as this.  Nothing constructive ever comes from it.....

Come on turkey season!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:newmascot:       :newmascot:       :newmascot:
Agreed!  It's evident enough everywhere else we look to see the division created by the extreme 2% fuming at the ends of the political spectrum who are trying to turn the remaining 98% of us that have to live, breath, and eat together into thinking the fate of our great nation will only be determined by some ultimate "Us vs. Them" battle.  All the while, the government as a whole remains ineffective.  Fact picking, exaggerations, LIES...whatever you want to call it...are the tools of choice for the 2%'ers.  BOTH sides are guilty of it.  It's the nature of politics.  It's this amazing gutter where sh*t flows both directions.  Don't get caught in it.


Quote from: stinkpickle on September 27, 2011, 12:13:18 PM
Quote from: GobbleNut on September 27, 2011, 09:47:09 AM
All of the above is a glaring example of why politics, religion, and certain other subjects should never be brought up on forums such as this.  Nothing constructive ever comes from it.....

Come on turkey season!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:newmascot:       :newmascot:       :newmascot:
Agreed!  It's evident enough everywhere else we look to see the division created by the extreme 2% fuming at the ends of the political spectrum who are trying to turn the remaining 98% of us that have to live, breath, and eat together into thinking the fate of our great nation will only be determined by some ultimate "Us vs. Them" battle.  All the while, the government as a whole remains ineffective.  Fact picking, exaggerations, LIES...whatever you want to call it...are the tools of choice for the 2%'ers.  BOTH sides are guilty of it.  It's the nature of politics.  It's this amazing gutter where sh*t flows both directions.  Don't get caught in it.

Wow,StinkyP,...I believe this may be the first serious post I have ever read from you!  Here I was expecting to be laughing my a** off, and you show up with a serious side!  Well said, buddy.  You rule, doood!  ...But don't be making this serious stuff a habit.....after all, humor is the best cure for disagreement!


Quote from: stinkpickle on September 27, 2011, 06:07:54 PM

Yeah, now that's more like it!  That's the stinkpickle we all have come to know and love, .... errr,...tolerate....

:newmascot:       :newmascot:       :newmascot: