I have bought several pairs of the cotton mill pants and hoodies over the past few years. The pants blow my mind every time they show up, they sizes are all over the place. I have always ordered a size Large pants, and gotten some that fit, some that are huge, some that look like bell bottoms, clown pants, it's crazy. I have a sewing machine and have been able to alter them to fit most of the time, but after one season, they fade so bad I end up throwing them away. The cotton mill hoodies seem true to size, but also fade so bad after one season I end up throwing those away too, or just retiring them from hunting and wearing them around the house. For the past 5 or so years, I've ordered a pair of the pants and a hoodie, and just come to accept that they are a one-season use. I can only speak for the cotton mill stuff though, I haven't tried any of the others. A pair of pants and a hoodie last me through a season and are about $100 combined, so in all honesty, probably the cheapest of the multitude of things I seem to buy each season.
This season I decided enough was enough though and just bought a pair of Drake SWT pants. I haven't hunted in them yet, but they seem very nice and fit well. For tops I've gotten a few things from Roger's Sporting goods, and the quality and fit has been great best I can tell so far. I'm done buying the mossy oak brand stuff, most of it is nice but fades so bad that it's trash after one year. Anybody got any use for about 5 faded hoodies let me know. The Tibbee stuff looks nice but they never seem to have my size in the Greenleaf pattern, so I haven't tried it.