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Started by mountainhunter1, February 13, 2025, 12:22:37 PM
Quote from: Bowguy on February 13, 2025, 01:40:57 PMIt's somewhat pricey to get started but get piece by piece. Once you get enough supplies on hand you'll not be without. Throughout all the Obama nonsense of making things tough I shot all sorts of guns planet as I had everything. Than there's the "coolness" factor in a sense of doing it yourself whether it was lead, tss or metallic cartridges. If you like that sort thing it'll add to your sport. Understand TSS loading is not reloading in a sense it's more of putting parts together. Reloading involves lots of testing, changing, massaging loads. TSS loads are often high pressure loads. Can't mess with them too much
Quote from: Dtrkyman on February 13, 2025, 02:11:14 PMCan definitely use your mec, and maybe some of the same hulls and powder you already have.Just ask a supplier if he has any loads that use some of your components!Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Quote from: bbcoach on February 13, 2025, 02:04:03 PMNot trying to high jack this thread but add to it. This just popped into my pea brain. I already have a Mec 600 Jr for 12 and 20's, that I use to reload dove loads, plenty of 12 and 20 gauge 2 3/4-inch shells, would TSS be easy peasy for the MEC's? You guys are always talking about using card stock and roll crimping them, so the DUH light just came on. I normally use the 8-point crimp.
Quote from: Alabama556 on February 13, 2025, 01:45:49 PMQuote from: Bowguy on February 13, 2025, 01:40:57 PMIt's somewhat pricey to get started but get piece by piece. Once you get enough supplies on hand you'll not be without. Throughout all the Obama nonsense of making things tough I shot all sorts of guns planet as I had everything. Than there's the "coolness" factor in a sense of doing it yourself whether it was lead, tss or metallic cartridges. If you like that sort thing it'll add to your sport. Understand TSS loading is not reloading in a sense it's more of putting parts together. Reloading involves lots of testing, changing, massaging loads. TSS loads are often high pressure loads. Can't mess with them too muchDon't overlook the coolness factor. When you break out some shells at Turkey camp and somebody says "where did you buy those" it is fun.Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Quote from: zelmo1 on February 13, 2025, 01:35:37 PMSo this is a multi tiered question. First of all, I don't roll crimp. It sounds like you have all your tools/equipment. It depends on the load you choose to load. Example: I load 28 gauge 1.5 oz #9 TSS. The cost is @ $340 plus shipping. for 53 shells. It looks like $6-$7 per round. If you have some of this material or buy in a bigger bulk, you will save a little bit. These are ballpark numbers that I got off the Precision Reloading Site, Ballistic Products are about the same prics too. Z5 pounds of shot is @ $225100 wads are @ $15100 primed new hulls @ $25lg can of buffer @ $15250 felt spacers @ $12100 mylar @ $81 pound Lil Gun powder @ $40
Quote from: Bowguy Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk/quote]I do all I can myself that's why I mentioned it. Load my shells, brass, make arrows, including standing, finishing them including cutting full length feathers and splicing the feathers to make neat combos. Mouth calls, Tie my flies, make bowstrings, used to cast black power projectiles, etc etc etc. Just keeps us more in touch with our lifestyle.