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turkeys for tomorrow


Started by JeffC, January 31, 2025, 11:40:59 AM

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 My Turkey permit draw went up last week, time to get this thing started!! See a few logging in, please post up if you are still interested in being part of the flock.  :funnyturkey:

Print by Madison Cline, on Flickr  GO BIRDS  FLY EAGLES FLY


I am interested in being in the group again this year.


I'm in. In addition to hunting in Minnesota, I'll be heading to Eastern Montana in late April to hunt Merriams for the first time in my life. Can't wait!


Print by Madison Cline, on Flickr


I'm in. Gonna do Missouri and probably PA or New York
Print by Madison, on Flickr


:morning: fellow Flockers, and so another long winter is finally winding down. I went out last weekend for the end of the Wilson Snipe season and couldn't find one bird... a freezing wind was blowing the rain sideways and after half a day I came home cold and soaked. I do think my shotgun will be dried out by turkey season Jeff, so you can count me in for another spring.
Print by Madison Cline, on Flickr


Welcome back my friend! worried about you with all the fires out there, hope all is well with you and your family. Are you affected by the fires??
Print by Madison Cline, on Flickr  GO BIRDS  FLY EAGLES FLY


Hello Jeff, we were clear of the fires down in Palisades, my sons mother-in-law had to evacuate but her house wasn't damaged so she's been allowed to move back in. The last fire that effected us was two years ago and we're still having some slides on one of highways from it. My grandson and granddaughter came and visited us a couple weeks ago. It was dark and raining when they left and I told them to be extra careful driving back on that highway. They drove around a corner and hit a down tree that had fallen across the road. The tree was small enough that their car went right over it, it shook them up but they weren't hurt, it looks like there car might be totaled but it's replaceable.
Print by Madison Cline, on Flickr