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Started by shane071489, December 13, 2024, 11:53:44 AM
Quote from: bbcoach on December 19, 2024, 01:16:20 PMShane, think of it this way, if you go fishing and only have one bait and that bait isn't working then what? As Greg stated, you need to think about a variety of baits(calls) and colors (pitch and sounds). Some days birds will answer to anything, then other days it may only be one specific call or nothing. Don't be afraid to throw the Kitchen Sink at them. If they don't respond, then tuck your tail between your legs and head for the truck.
Quote from: Tclipse01 on January 17, 2025, 03:16:14 PMThere are two sides to this: #1 - I have absolutely had turkeys be more responsive to one call than another, on a given day. It is advantageous to have options, it will sometimes make the difference. #2 - The majority of us here, myself included, have purchased way more turkey calls than actually needed to solve #1, because SHINY NEW CALL I WANT IT. But, that's why we are all here on OG It is part of the fun of turkey hunting.