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A Question

Started by Neill_Prater, May 30, 2024, 08:36:15 AM

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WV Flopper


Then I am in route to "State/Tag" B.

I have planned for this trip, I have planned for this scenario.

I will not be site seeing, unless it's down my gun barrel.

WV Flopper

Gas, motel, food is the biggest expense. Tag are 100-200$ bucks.

Move on to the next.


The dilemma some of us have with the "move on to a different state" theory is that some of us are hunting with other friends on the types of trips we are talking about here.  Seems to me that a good way to lose a hunting buddy that is still trying to kill a bird is to say,..."Uhhh,...sorry, dude, but I got mine, so we are moving on to the next state."

In addition, if there is only one vehicle involved with multiple hunters using it to get around, the logistics of its use also becomes an issue.

The solution for me, since I almost always am hunting with one or more other friends, is to do any or all of the following:  I will become the videographer on their hunts. and/or I will be a secondary caller (if they want), and/or I will be a "turkey locator" at other potential hunting locations for them.

Now, I suppose multiple-person, out-of-state hunts could be planned such that those outings are set-up to hunt locations that would allow close-by state hopping. Seems to me that could become complicated very quickly, though.  :D   

Bottomland OG

Quote from: GobbleNut on May 31, 2024, 08:38:10 AMThe dilemma some of us have with the "move on to a different state" theory is that some of us are hunting with other friends on the types of trips we are talking about here.  Seems to me that a good way to lose a hunting buddy that is still trying to kill a bird is to say,..."Uhhh,...sorry, dude, but I got mine, so we are moving on to the next state."

In addition, if there is only one vehicle involved with multiple hunters using it to get around, the logistics of its use also becomes an issue.

The solution for me, since I almost always am hunting with one or more other friends, is to do any or all of the following:  I will become the videographer on their hunts. and/or I will be a secondary caller (if they want), and/or I will be a "turkey locator" at other potential hunting locations for them.

Now, I suppose multiple-person, out-of-state hunts could be planned such that those outings are set-up to hunt locations that would allow close-by state hopping. Seems to be that could become complicated very quickly, though.  :D   

I would never do this nor do I feel like anyone else on here would either. It would take a pretty selfish person to do this to a hunting buddy.


B I would rather experience it all and hunt then just show up and kill. With all my body problems I have gotten to where it is more the experience than the kill, that is one of the reasons I shoot them with the camera instead of my gun the last 2 or 3 seasons.

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Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength. Arnold Schwarzenegger

John Koenig:
"It's better to live as your own man, than as a fool in someone else's dream."


Good replies. My fault, my intention was to convey that this hunt was it for the year except in your home state, but failed to do so. That's a scenario which will possibly become more and more likely as states seem to be targeting the nonresident hunter with quotas or draws. In a few years, it's quite possible that deciding to go hunting somewhere else in the middle of the season won't be an option.

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A healthy combo of both; oftentimes "B" or some variation of keep's occurring and you need "A" every now and then to show that sometimes you do everything right to no avail, but then you do really nothing (right) and you score.
In life and Turkey hunting: Give it a whirl. Everything works once and Nothing works everytime!


Quote from: Prospector on June 02, 2024, 09:02:49 AMA healthy combo of both; oftentimes "B" or some variation of keep's occurring and you need "A" every now and then to show that sometimes you do everything right to no avail, but then you do really nothing (right) and you score.
Yep. At the end of the day it's both. I love the grind of B, I live for B, I wouldn't trade those a$$ whoopings for the world. They make that hard earned kill on a hard earned bird the greatest feeling in the world. But that's also what makes those A days so fun/funny. Sometimes seems like those birds done written a suicide letter sitting on the limb. A handful of those A birds are what make the novice feel like King Kong

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A - leaves time to scout for future years.  Never look a gift horse in the mouth.


A is fun, but is like eating a rich dessert. B is like a really awesome steak. You want to go back for more.

I went out to western Nebraska early this week on a friend's ranch by myself. The first morning I killed a very nice 2 year old at 0740 in a different spot after getting the slip from another gobbler.

The next morning I killed the gobbler that flew across the river, by getting on the side he flew to the previous morning.That hunt was over at 0535. Legal shooting time was around 0445.

While that was fun, I had way more fun with 2 other birds this Spring. One I danced with for 4 hours off and on and another for around 2 hours. I tried it all, but those birds just whipped me.

I hope they make it to next Spring because I want to dance again.

By far, the most memorable birds are the ones that I didn't carry to the truck.

However, I do love to jellyhead them for sure.

Both scenarios are rewarding in their own way.


Honestly speaking I'll take A. I invest a lot of time before the hunt and I have a couple of other options. A lot of the time on my trips I am with someone else. We usually hunt together anyway to experience more hunts and spend time together. So just because I have killed a bird doesn't mean the hunt is over. If I'm alone and I kill a bird that early I will be headed somewhere else. Again, this is just for me personally. I know everyone's situation is different and I'm very blessed and grateful for a job that allows a good hunting schedule and enough money that I don't feel bad buying that next tag. I understand scenario B being the choice for many, as that's kind of how I play my season at home. If I shoot a turkey early in the season, I won't even consider pulling the trigger until season is running short. Season only lasts so long no matter who you are, and has to be cherished in the way that makes it the most enjoyable for you. I love these theoretical questions as they get me thinking and reflecting. Thanks for the post!

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For me, A gets me a turkey in the freezer and B gives me life experiences that I can learn from and makes me better. B happens more than A for me, so I get plenty of Bs, so, I will never pass up on an A.
This was my first year out of twelve that I had all As and no Bs. I had to work the birds I got this year, but every one went like clock work and the birds did exactly according to plan except my smoke gray one this year was full of close to B action, but in the end it was an A.

Old Swamper

Could care less about being a traveling turkey hunter. I am grateful for every chance I am given to sit down and engage one, however you have not truly won until you have him by the feet ;)


Hunt A, leaves more time to pick up hippie chicks