I think persimmon should make a great trumpet wood, and I've seen a few made from persimmon but I've not run one myself. An exotic you don't hear much about is Curupay or Cebil (also called Patagonian Rosewood, but it's not a true rosewood). I have a Curupay trumpet from Misfire that's a player.
Another one could be Pau Rosa. It's closely related to Katalox but it's a beautiful orange color. I have a Turpin/Jordan set Kenneth Mullins made me and they look and run great.
Once again, since both Curupay and Pau Rosa are dense woods they make good candidates for loud trumpets.
Since playing soft is very effective, wouldn't it be advantageous to use lighter woods for soft talk? I have thought Jordans could be better for soft calling but I have a Jordan hybrid made of Kingwood that's very loud.
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