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Pinhoti calls

Started by slave601, February 02, 2024, 06:26:47 AM

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Quote from: CALLM2U on February 03, 2024, 06:23:53 PM

Surely this is just worded poorly because the answer is obvious....  Without people continuing to engage in the sport, it will die out. 

The average US hunter's age is over 50 right now.  Hunters 15-26 have decreased by over 50% in the last 2 decades.   

I'm done engaging in these conversations; the anti-turkey hunting growth community is just extremely selfish and want to go back to the 'good-ol-days' when they had land to themselves.   There is no changing their minds. They don't care about future generations.

There is no obvious answer, I'm still waiting on a legitimate one.

The data is so inconsistent I honestly don't know how you came up with those numbers. You may have seen them from an organization that makes money from recruiting new hunters, if that's the case I would have a hard time believing them.

You may have the luxury to hunt to your heart's content on private ground, but I don't and I can promise you there are plenty of people "engaged in the sport" on every public piece of ground I've been to in the past 8-10 years.

I'm I selfish? Yes sir. Am I doing everything in my power to make sure my children are able to enjoy my most powerful addiction in life and hope that they do the same some day? Absolutely.

So I may seem like a cruel person to you and others, and I couldn't care less, but I want people I know and love to experience what I love and it not be ruined by those doing the same thing mostly for profit or to impress people they don't know.

You may be done engaging in these types of conversations and honestly I'm tired of every thread on here being drifted this direction, I just wanted to end by saying that everyone on here has more in common than we have different and it's completely ok to have differing opinions. I'm sure at the end of the day, every one of us could sit down together with a few beers and have a great time. Good luck this spring!


Quote from: Canadian on February 03, 2024, 02:22:01 PM
I dont see a true turkey hunter in this discussion.

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I don't know, I heard that Zobo guy is the genuine article. Word is he once killed a triple bearded bird with notihing more than half a bag of snausages and a Frenchy-Pitbull mix. True story  :agreed:
Stand still, and consider the wonderous works of God  Job:37:14


Quote from: Zobo on February 03, 2024, 09:40:30 PM
Quote from: Canadian on February 03, 2024, 02:22:01 PM
I dont see a true turkey hunter in this discussion.

Sent from my SM-S918W using Tapatalk

I don't know, I heard that Zobo guy is the genuine article. Word is he once killed a triple bearded bird with notihing more than half a bag snausages and a Frenchy-Pitbull mix. True story  :agreed:

Yeah! I hear he's a real Turkey Killa!!!! :fud:          :OGani:
Paul Myrdahl,  Goat trainee

"I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, and I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other people, and I require the same from them.". John Wayne, The Shootist.



"I dont see a true turkey hunter in this discussion."

Oh Really?  How did you arrive at this conclusion?

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Blessed are the peacemakers for they are the children of God.


Quote from: Zobo on February 03, 2024, 09:40:30 PM
Quote from: Canadian on February 03, 2024, 02:22:01 PM
I dont see a true turkey hunter in this discussion.

Sent from my SM-S918W using Tapatalk

I don't know, I heard that Zobo guy is the genuine article. Word is he once killed a triple bearded bird with notihing more than half a bag snausages and a Frenchy-Pitbull mix. True story  :agreed:
Take note, thats only a small quote from a very long post, and context is important... However, i was definitely out of line and exaggerating when i said that. I think everybody here stated their opinion out of pure love and passion toward the Wild Turkey... Again, as someone from north of the border, i was simply stating my opinion that i believe growth in the sport is essential in its survival, being that im somebody whos experienced first hand, the irreversible effects of a dying outdoor culture. Read my posts again and youll see what i was trying to communicate. Again, i exaggerated, and am completely wrong in that statement. Ill edit that out of my post.

Ill add, i agree 100% with fdept56 , along with promoting growth in the sport. Am i a contradiction to both promote secrecy in turkey hunting, while pushing growth? I mean, maybe.

Again, i was 100% wrong, and out of line for saying that. Apologies to you all.

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Does anyone on here think they could replace the word Pinhoti with Internet? Does anyone think the internet has become a revealer of secrets? Do you think the arguments brought up in this thread only apply to turkey hunting? Can you name something that hasn't been exposed on the internet?
Asking for a friend.. and his name isn't, Dave.


I bet there were folks who got mad at Edison when he brought the light bulb out too since it was different than their lantern.

Y'all are bashing an entrepreneur who turned his hobby into a career?

Times evolve on this big rock and we better too or get left behind...ask Bill Belichick

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Quote from: Zobo on February 03, 2024, 09:40:30 PM
Quote from: Canadian on February 03, 2024, 02:22:01 PM
I dont see a true turkey hunter in this discussion.

Sent from my SM-S918W using Tapatalk

I don't know, I heard that Zobo guy is the genuine article. Word is he once killed a triple bearded bird with notihing more than half a bag snausages and a Frenchy-Pitbull mix. True story  :agreed:
Well done sir!

Good-Looking and Platinum member of the Elitist Club

silent tom

Quote from: tcook7 on February 04, 2024, 05:30:40 AM
I bet there were folks who got mad at Edison when he brought the light bulb out too since it was different than their lantern.

Y'all are bashing an entrepreneur who turned his hobby into a career?

Times evolve on this big rock and we better too or get left behind...ask Bill Belichick

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The difference between Thomas Edison and Dave, is that the light bulb had profound effects on the world. 
Pimping public land turkeys for profit doesn't exactly fall in the same category. But I suspect we both know that and the grasping at straws will continue. 

An honest question for the pro Owens/THP and the rest of the circle jerk YouTubers that followed them- did any of you see what happened to a certain wma in northeast Alabama the year after it was showcased? Did any of you see the pressure that following year and the number of increased hunters in the main campground?
Did any of you see the increased pressure from Dave blasting the northwest?
Did any of you see what happened the following year when Dave literally showed turkeys outside of a certain hotel?
Can someone explain to me how the above is beneficial to the sport of turkey hunting?


I get it man, you had to go find some new spots instead of the same ol honey holes you've been hunting, as did I. But, IMO, you're looking at this selfishly as it is an inconvenience to you.

However, the big picture says somewhere out there in social media land another fella saw that there are more opportunities than he previously was aware of to chase these wonderful birds. Now, if he does his due diligence and passes his passion down to another generation, the cycle continues and the hunting culture has improved in my eyes.

You and I probably won't see eye to eye on this and that's ok. I just don't like to see a man bashed for taking a risk and chasing his passion.

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I think most all the you tube turkeys hunters should have been more vague on the location of where they are hunting . I see no need to specify whether it's public or private. Some things are better left unsaid.


Quote from: Canadian on February 03, 2024, 02:22:01 PM
This post is hysterical, all the guy asked is what people think of his calls

Being as the topic has shifted however, and that it hits home for me, ill add my two cents, without crap talking the Pinhoti guy that Slave was inquiring about. Especially when I've never even shook the guys hand and spent more than an hour over coffee with him.

Everyone here thinks turkey hunter increase and promotion is a bad thing? Come visit our public land in Canada. Come visit a place where there is little to no turkey hunting following, and government owned land is acquired just to rot. The most beautifully managed land ive ever seen is in the United States. For heavens sake, our government is trying to take our guns, as we speak! You think power in numbers is negative? If theres only 1 turkey left in my country, ill still go after him and enjoy the spring woods as though there were thousands. Besides, who gives a rats ars about what so-and-so does. If somebody sells pins for $ (which i think youre a crazy turkey conspiracy theorist to ACTUALLY believe) whats that to me? So long as i get to keep turkey hunting, and keep my Papas model 12. Pffffft, people sour that they gotta share God's creation with others. Wake up, and enjoy what you still have.

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This is a really great post in terms of appreciating what we have.  I often times think about the vast beauty of Canada and can't imagine what folks like yourself, myself, and normal thinking individuals feel about what that country and what Trudeau has done to it.  From legalizing heroin to pushing radical social agendas, they definitely seem to lead the way with craziness.  At least here in the US, we can most times count on the outdoor community to help us navigate the sad ways of the world.  It sounds like that is not the case as much there.  Thanks for sharing your perspective. 

silent tom

Quote from: tcook7 on February 04, 2024, 07:29:30 AM
I get it man, you had to go find some new spots instead of the same ol honey holes you've been hunting, as did I. But, IMO, you're looking at this selfishly as it is an inconvenience to you.

However, the big picture says somewhere out there in social media land another fella saw that there are more opportunities than he previously was aware of to chase these wonderful birds. Now, if he does his due diligence and passes his passion down to another generation, the cycle continues and the hunting culture has improved in my eyes.

You and I probably won't see eye to eye on this and that's ok. I just don't like to see a man bashed for taking a risk and chasing his passion.

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You are okay with someone negatively affecting the sport of turkey hunting by the justification avenue of "chasing their passion?"

It's past time states put a licensing fee on people making money off our public land. 
Put that money into habitat work.   And no- not a small fee.

silent tom

Quote from: Jfowler82 on February 04, 2024, 08:29:57 AM
I think most all the you tube turkeys hunters should have been more vague on the location of where they are hunting . I see no need to specify whether it's public or private. Some things are better left unsaid.
Unfortunately the damage has been done as this point.  Now we are left riding it out to see the long term affects. 


That's right....all turkey hunters and our children must sacrifice opportunity so thp and dave can live their dreams!!