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What got left behind ???

Started by Lcmacd 58, April 17, 2023, 08:27:31 AM

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Quote from: Tom007 on June 24, 2023, 12:54:14 PM
After leaving some key items behind early in my career, I decided to prevent these slip-ups from happening again. I set my truck up every spring with extra everything. Boots, pants, shirts, sweaters, and the rest of the turkey necessities. This bag has duplicates of everything I carry hunting, shells, batteries for sites, flashlights, bore snakes(various gauges), head net, gloves, socks etc. Since I added this pre-prep stage every season, I have had everything I need to hunt with even if I forget something. And oh yes, a sticky note taped to my console that just says "Gun".  No more worries "Do I have my......"
You sound like me when I go someplace. Need 3 pair of underwear? Bring 6 pair. Need meds for 3 days? Bring enough for a week. My GF gets mad at me because she says I "Over prepare" I also built her an emergency box for her van when we got together, blankets, extra warm clothes for winter, emergency blankets/tarps that reflect body heat and so on. Saved her bacon one day when she got broke down and stuck in a snow storm though.
Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength. Arnold Schwarzenegger

John Koenig:
"It's better to live as your own man, than as a fool in someone else's dream."

Uncle Tom

On a hunt this year, got set up and pull out the gloves and face mast and missed my glass case. Got to have my glasses to see the red dot. Got up and walked all way back to truck, and not there. This was about a 500 yard walk. Went to looking in all the pockets and finally found it in a pocket that not used often....why I put them in there I do not know. Not first time I took a walk back to the truck.


I keep a trigger guard lock on my shotgun and hunt about an hour away. I just about packed up the gun without taking the lock off. Could have been a bad way to start my morning.


I try to check and recheck but it is often one of my strikers that I am heading back to get.
A hunt based on trophies taken falls far short of what the ultimate goal should be - Fred Bear


Gear is out, checked, rechecked in March. I have lists for every season, and I check off and make sure I have everything I need. My motto is you can't over-prepare.....

Greg Massey

As others have said, I check and recheck and I pack extra stuff in my bags that I put in my truck including an extra gun in a case. My Wife always said by the time season is over the back seat of my truck looks like a used sporting goods store with all the stuff. Usually after the season is over it takes me a good part of a day just to unpack the truck... LOL...

I'm with you Tom, in my opinion you can't have enough stuff with you while turkey hunting. Extras of everything... IMO


I try to load the truck the night before and load up my vest with the essentials but have had a few slip ups.

One hunt this year with my grandson I forgot to load my vest into the truck.

We scrounged through the truck and was able to find an Ol Besty Slate and striker and a couple of shells. Managed to put a hunt together but missed a few of my favorite calls.


I have a compact Leupold 7x20 Gold Ring binocular that I use for turkey hunting and have forgotten that a few times.  I tend to lose things rather than forget them at home. I once left my favorite facemask at a kill and went back the next day to retrieve it.  Also a good pair of gloves at a spot I was calling from. Same thing, I went back the next day and found them. I hope this does not continue as I hit Medicare age in May!
Deer see you and think you are a stump. The Old Gobbler sees a stump and thinks it is YOU!


Forgetting to check the batteries in the flashlight  ;D
Where and how I hunt, it ain't a good idea to try to climb these mountains in the dark without a working flashlight...been there, done that...and you don't get no T-shirt!  :toothy12: