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Started by guesswho, June 21, 2011, 09:08:10 PM

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Turkey hunting video's and tv shows have had a negative impact on turkey hunting



If you want a good turkey hunting video with no adds, this one is the best I have ever seen!
May God bless you all


Joe Slaton has some good ones to.    I love real turkey hunting footage,    the "you got to buy the latest thing commerical,"  not so much.
Romans 8:37


Quote from: TRKYHTR on June 21, 2011, 09:32:23 PM
I don't think it has a negative impact on those who know how to turkey hunt. But if you are a new turkey hunter and all you had is the new videos and TV of today I think you are going to have a hard time killing turkeys. They would also think the only way to turkey hunt would be to use a blind with decoys and a Primos call. You can kill turkeys like that but there is so much more to turkey hunting than what the TV and videos show. JMO


Great post Joe!!  :icon_thumright:

I think that if a new hunter was to go out and buy the latest and greatest DVD's, then go out and purchase all the "junk" in the DVD then went hunting they wouold get burned out VERY quickly!  They don't get to see all that goes into a turkey hunt like scouting setting up moving on birds.  I think they would think all you had to do was go out and set up your blind and decoys the call a few times and shoot a bird.  It sure doesn't happen like that very often for me.
Hook's Custom Call Prostaff, Ol'Tom's Elite Team, Vaportrail Archery Prostaff, KTECH Design Prostaff


A negative impact no but most of the videos are all about selling product.


I love hunts in the woods where the gobbler is searching for the source of the calling and if you can see him he is in range. Nothing else measures up for me, but this does not translate to video. Anticipation is impossible to film. I hate watching all of the commercials but without them I would not have three different outdoor channels 24/7. I do love to watch them strut and gobble! It's funny to me that so many are slamming hunting shows for advertising products when on this site you are constantly viewing ads and pics of kills with a particular custom call or choke or shell?


For me the commercial videos are getting too much like the onslaught of reality shows put put for the return with little quality. Some of the members videos on the other hand are done with respect to the sport and promote our hobby in a professional way.


Quote from: guesswho on June 21, 2011, 10:59:57 PM
Quote from: BOFF on June 21, 2011, 09:27:06 PM
In my opinion, shows in the past were less focused on promotion of products, more ethical, and all around, just better in promoting hunting. Most of the people who made the earlier shows seemed to be in love with the outdoors, and the animals they hunted.

Quote from: TRKYHTR on June 21, 2011, 09:32:23 PM
I don't think it has a negative impact on those who know how to turkey hunt. But if you are a new turkey hunter and all you had is the new videos and TV of today I think you are going to have a hard time killing turkeys. They would also think the only way to turkey hunt would be to use a blind with decoys and a Primos call. You can kill turkeys like that but there is so much more to turkey hunting than what the TV and videos show. JMO


Quote from: Shotgun on June 21, 2011, 09:44:31 PM
I would say the majority of the TV shows over the last 10 years have done nothing, but give a false representation of what I believe turkey hunting is all about.

Dang, ya'll pretty much summed up my view on the subject. :you_rock:

Not much that can be added to that.  Answering the original questions depends on what a guy considers a negative impact.  More turkey hunters in the field....positive or negtive impact depending how you look at it..  More new turkey hunters relying on gimmicks to try and kill turkeys.........negative impact.  More turkey hunters sitting on their butt in a blind and hoping the latest strutting decoy drags a tom in.......positive impact for my style of turkey hunting becaue I don't have to worry about them running the bird down that I'm trying to get positioned on.

I don't have an tv programming, so I don't see many of the shows unless I catch a clip on the internet.  I buy the usual stack of videos every year to enjoy the turkey footage, but spend a big part of the time explaining to my kids that the guy promoting his product is full of bull, otherwise they'd believe it to be gospel.  I also think the HS boys should learn to shoot a bird in the head.  With all their blabbering about their scopes you would think they could shoot a bird somewhere other than the body.


Negative impact on turkey hunting?  No.

Negative impact on turkey hunting videos?  Yes.   Some are just terrible.


The negative I see, and it may be more of a personal opinion than actually a negative impact is the fact that video's and tv turkey shows are teaching people to take shortcuts and cheat themselves and the turkey. 

I get to where I'm going early and wait for the wood's to wake up.  I can't stand to be there fo 30 or 45 minutes listening to everytrhing come alive while aniticipating that first gobble, and then  hear tires rolling on a gravel road and some Jack-Azz stop, open his door, owl hoot, crow call, coyote howl, cut on a box call ect.  If he hears nothing he slams his door and eases on down the road riding right past my vehichle and repeats the process.  If he does hear something me slams his door, pulls off to the side of the road in sight of my vehichle, gets out and slams his door again, racks a shell, and grabs his blind and dekes out of the back of his truck and takes off towards the bird.  This seems to be becoming more common in my neck of the woods.
If I'm not back in five minutes, wait longer!
BodonkaDeke Prostaff
MoHo's Prostaff
Do unto others before others do unto you
Official Member Of The Unofficial Firedup Turkey
Calls Prostaff


Quote from: guesswho on June 22, 2011, 01:11:22 PM

I get to where I'm going early and wait for the wood's to wake up.  I can't stand to be there fo 30 or 45 minutes listening to everytrhing come alive while aniticipating that first gobble, and then  hear tires rolling on a gravel road and some Jack-Azz stop, open his door, owl hoot, crow call, coyote howl, cut on a box call ect.  If he hears nothing he slams his door and eases on down the road riding right past my vehichle and repeats the process.  If he does hear something me slams his door, pulls off to the side of the road in sight of my vehichle, gets out and slams his door again, racks a shell, and grabs his blind and dekes out of the back of his truck and takes off towards the bird.  This seems to be becoming more common in my neck of the woods.

This seems to be happing more and more. We had a guy in our club last year that would ride from green field to green field glassing with binos and if he saw a turkey he would stalk it to get in place for an ambush. Never call or anything. Stalked up on a couple of pretty boy dekes a time or two.

West Augusta

I think that they mislead a lot of new and younger hunters.  Now you have a lot of folks running through the woods owl hooting at 11:00am.  They would do better coming to these forums and listening to folks that have hunted for years. 
No trees were hurt in the sending of this message, however a large number of electrons were highly inconvenienced.


I'm not sure if I would say they have a negative impact on turkey hunting, but I don't feel like they present a true picture of what a turkey hunt is like for the average guy.  Besides the obvious push of this product and the next product with every turn, many of the personalities are self-absorbed and come across as though they left their ritalin at home. 
I like a little more reality than what I see in most of the current hunt shows.  No offense to ranch owners, but I don't really care to see 89 birds flying down to a food plot.   That's not reality for most of us. 
Show me some public land hunts.  Don't show me a couple of guys piling out of a truck with more sponsor stickers than a NASCAR racing team.  Sure, hunt with great products.  Fine, give props to the sponsors in the credits before and/or after a hunt.  Produce commercials for them that run before or after a hunt.  I've had enough of cameras panning in on some gadget attached to a shotgun or some awful noisemaker pulled out of a vest.  As many others have said, the commercializing of the hunt has gone way over the top.  Enough so for me that I no longer buy or care to watch the yearly crop of hunting videos.
Lights Out custom calls - what they're dying to hear!


Quote from: stinkpickle on June 22, 2011, 12:58:21 PM
Negative impact on turkey hunting?  No.

Negative impact on turkey hunting videos?  Yes.   Some are just terrible.

2016-2017-2018-2019-2020- 2021
Six time Old Gobbler Contest Champions


I say true......they have introduced turkey hunting to all the deer hunters that used to fish during the spring, and there is some HORRIBLE calling that because its on a show...people think its good.

I liked it better when the woods were empty. To many inexperienced crazies running around the woods these days.
Georgia Boy


Quote from:  link=topic=11193.msg128427#msg128427 date=1308838564
Quote from: savduck on June 22, 2011, 07:52:54 PM
I say true......they have introduced turkey hunting to all the deer hunters that used to fish during the spring, and there is some HORRIBLE calling that because its on a show...people think its good.

I liked it better when the woods were empty. To many inexperienced crazies running around the woods these days.

That's the NWTF's biggest contribution to turkey hunting.
I had an encounter this year with one of those hunters while I had a friend down from Ohio this year.  We had the bird inching his way to us.  Then after about 20 minutes I heard horrible yelping from a box.  Then crashing through the woods.  The gobbler shut up "wonder why"!  Now the guy goes to cutting on a mouth call, at least thats what I think it was.  Then more crashing, after about five minutes I see the guy coming towards us, just walking while his box call in its holster is sqeaking as he walks.  I spoke to him and he stops, I speak again to make sure he knows were there.  Then he spots us and comes over to talk.  He tells us about a gobbler he was after and some hens he had heard "us".  We tell him we had heard him to.  We talk a minute or two more and he says well I'm going after him ::)   This guy looked like he just came off the front page of the Cabelas spring catalogue, and about everything he had had a N"WTF" emblem on it, nothing wrong withj that, I just found it ironic .  We didn't kill the bird that day but I killed him two weeks later, a four bearded mature bird. 

I figure the only reason that guy was out there was because he saw turkey hunting on tv and figured why not.  I know he has as much right as we did to be out there, but come on.  I don't mind sharing the woods, but at least have a clue.  As savduck mentioned there are a lot of inexperienced crazies running around thanks to tv.  That would be like someone watching a traffic report on tv who had never driven before and deciding that looks like fun.  I'm going to get me a car and a license and start driving.
If I'm not back in five minutes, wait longer!
BodonkaDeke Prostaff
MoHo's Prostaff
Do unto others before others do unto you
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