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Your closest Shot?

Started by Tom007, January 27, 2023, 11:40:55 AM

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13yds, came in strait behind a big boulder, I had the gun pointed on the right side of it (which was the left side) and shot him when he popped out


7 steps, he was in full strut for what seemed like 10 minutes but was probably half that. I was wrestling with the idea of letting him go as he only had about a 6 inch beard but full fan. Had a guy with a box call closing fast, so I ended it. Just started wispering "you done %$#*@ up" to get him to raise his head for the shot.

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Good-Looking and Platinum member of the Elitist Club


The closest was the first turkey I ever killed by myself. My dad brother and I went hunting that morning but it was my brothers turn to shoot first. When daylight came there were a bunch of jakes gobbling along a creek bottom and then a longbeard gobbling alone a few hundred yards away. At this point I'd killed several turkeys so I had no desire to shoot a jake but my dad and brother were going after the lone longbeard so I decided to stick it out and hope there was a gobbler In this group. Luckily there was and he pitched to my side of the creek after some calling. When he hit the ground strutting and gobbling at about 50 yards (well out of range for me at the time) those jakes got fired up and flew the creek to run him off. Luckily for me I was set up on the deer path he decided to use and shot him at about 3 steps

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8 feet, I sneezed and shot over him by 3 feet. He ran off, me laughing. He stopped between 2 trees, I ranged him at 42 yards. He stuck his head out to gobble and I stoned him with heavyweight #7's. Still get a chuckle when I think about it. Z


I have taken 2 at 5 yards and 1 at 8 yards and several inside 10 yards.

I've also had even closer encounters with them while I was out recording for my podcasts.  Twice I've had gobs try to pitch woo to my umbrella mic that was at arm's length from me, and one crazy gobbler ran over the log I had been sitting against.
Genesis 9:2-4 Ministries  of SW Bracken County, KY 
Lighthearted Confessions of a Cervid Serial Killer


Back in the late 90s, I had chased a gobbler for 2 days.  I finally got aggressive and into a really good position about 75yrds from him on the limb on day 3.    I could see him pretty well and he appeared alone.  I let him gobble until it looked like he was getting restless and let out a couple small clucks and series of light yelps.  That dude bounded off the limb and come sailing my way.  I was expecting him to land about 20yrds and had not planned on 3yrds.  Right when I pulled the trigger, he moved his head.  Before I could get a shell pumped, he was into the brush behind me and GOING!!  I just had to sit there and laugh so I didn't cry.  LOL.

Closest kill was 5yrds.  birds had come in on my right side and there was a ditch between us.  I was trying to figure out how I was going to swing over when all 4 went down into the ditch and walked up on a deer trail right in front of me.  1st man out didn't make it.  :)


Where the heck are some of you all hunting, on Amish free range turkey farms?

Chad Gus715

12 yards and that was the one and only turkey I've ever killed with my bow. I've missed several that were inside of 10 yards.

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4 steps, hope that never happens again.
Pray as if everything depends on God, work like everything depends on you



5 yards. He hugged the ridge of thorn apples I was sitting in all the way down the field, and when he finally stepped clear of the brush he was still in full strut and standing straight on to me, side-stepping his way down for a hen that wasn't there. Didn't much like what the shot pattern did to his fan, but when he keeled over, two other toms bolted down the ridge to gang up on him and my hunting buddy shot his bird when he was standing on mine.


Thirty years ago in Wheeler, Texas I built a blind, facing east, along a barbed wire fence. Big old holly looking bush at about 2 o'clock, 8 to ten yards from blind...land slopped down to south about 40 yards then went back uphill 50 or so yards where a big ag field started. Me and had friend were calling when I looked back to the right and saw one of the biggest turkeys I have ever seen...looked 5 feet tall...standing at the top of the hill looking our way.

We softened our calling and he started walking our way...at about 25 yards he just stopped and looked for 15-20 minutes. I had already limited out and was sitting on right side toward turkey. My buddy couldn't shoot thru me, nor could he swivel as turkey would see us.

After what seemed like forever plus a day the bird started slowly walking our way along the fence line.   Closer then stop...then take a few steps...look a while then a few more steps. My friend's gun barrel was resting on a log which was part of the blind. Bird was now close enough to see his eye move back and forth. Bird was no more than four feet in front of blind when he walked in front of gun barrel. Friend completely shot the top of bird's head off. We talk about it every year when we hunt together...still gives me chills.


I've had some real close shots but last year took the cake for me personally. I took my best bird to date at a foot and a half. Yes that's 1.5ft from the end of my barrel. He was so close that when he dropped out of half strut and stood up straight, I had to look up at his head. Waaaaayyyy to close.


Nothing super close for me. I called one up for a buddy once. We sat under this shady cedar tree with decent cover. He was new to turkey hunting and I was coaching him all the way.  I told him if we get anything going today just be still. He sat perfectly still and snored all morning.  Around 9, one cuts loose, I wake him up, the bird won't stop! He came in and quick. I whisper wait till he breaks strut. We'll he wouldn't break strut and he kept coming. 6 steps. He would've been on our lap if he didn't shoot. Feathers were everywhere!
Fun times!
"If You Call Them,They Will Come."


Close enough to miss. Also close enough to decapitate.

I remember a really good time (close bird) i had in the spring when i was younger. I was sitting in a really narrow hedgerow between two fields working a vocal gobbler in the field in front of me. I caught movement and sound to my left and couldnt move. A huge  longbeard had come in silent to my calling and was looking hard. He was really close. I think i could have touched him but i was facing the wrong way. He was so close i could see the gnats buzzing his head. I remember watching him shake and wiggle his head because of the gnats and i could hear his snood slapping his face!  The turkey i was working gobbled, and the one next to me started headed towards him. As soon i was able, i spun the direction he left and made a few soft yelps. He came running back in and i closed the deal. Not my closest shot but the noise of snood slapping turkey face has stuck with me.

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