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When do you load your gun?

Started by Brillo, March 24, 2022, 11:32:50 AM

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I load as I'm leaving the truck. I unload before I get back in the truck.


 I load up at my Jeep after I am all ready to go.  It is the last thing I do before entering the woods. The first thing I do upon returning is unloading my shotgun.
Deer see you and think you are a stump. The Old Gobbler sees a stump and thinks it is YOU!


I load right before going into the woods and unload when I get back to the truck or house

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Quote from: WildTigerTrout on March 27, 2023, 01:39:53 PM
I load up at my Jeep after I am all ready to go.  It is the last thing I do before entering the woods. The first thing I do upon returning is unloading my shotgun.
This ^^ (only, not a Jeep..lol)

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I hunt with an 870. I load the magazine when I leave the house but I don't chamber a shell until I'm setup. I don't do much moving but if I do, I empty the chamber beforehand. I've heard a few stories of guys using an 870, falling, the but hits the ground causing the pin to strike the primer and causes an accidental discharge. It messed with me and I don't want to take the risk with my particular shotgun. I empty the magazine when I get home.


870, I leave the magazine full and slide one in when I get out of the truck, take it out when I get back


When I get out of the truck and everything is in order, I load it just before I take off walking.


I'm extra careful.  I walk out in the morning with my gun unloaded and don't load until I'm where I'm going and sitting down.  On the way out, I unload when I get in sight of the cabin.
Genesis 9:2-4 Ministries  of SW Bracken County, KY 
Lighthearted Confessions of a Cervid Serial Killer


Hunting alone is one thing. If I am alone, depending on where I am hunting, I may or may not chamber a round soon after leaving my vehicle. On other occasions...especially in terrain where I might stumble, fall, or otherwise have an "incident" in which the gun might end up out of my control, pointed at me, and with the possibility that it might accidentally discharge...I will wait to load until I have engaged a gobbler. 

Conversely, if I am hunting with one or more other guys...which anymore I am often doing...I have adopted a personal policy that all guns will not have a round in the chamber until a gobbler is engaged.  I will simply state at the outset that anybody going with me will abide by that rule...or they will not be going with me. Their choice...   


Turkey hunting I load when I walk into the woods in case I run up on a snake
Deer hunting I don't load until I'm in the stand

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Carry a H&R single, being a hammer gun I'll wait and drop one in the tube when I set up on a turkey. All other times action open, and its empty.
A quality paddle caller will most run itself.  It just needs someone to carry it around the woods. Yoder409

Over time...they come to learn how little air a good yelper actually requires. ChesterCopperpot

Sit down wrong, and you're beat. Jim Spencer                          Don't go this year where Youtubers went last year.


When it's dark, I load when I leave the truck; only concerned with bumping a boar hog or gator.

Unload after shooting a bird or when I get back to the truck.


Last thing I do before entering the woods is load my gun including one in the chamber, first thing I do when I am returning to the truck is unload the gun.



Last thing I do before I take off walking and first thing I do when I get back to the truck.