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2022 Story Thread

Started by Delmar ODonnell, March 16, 2022, 03:54:10 PM

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So I've been fooling with a group of birds in this one particular spot off and on since Wednesday. The first evening I let a 2 year old bird walk by because there was a bigger group of 3 behind him but a hen ended up carrying them away from me before they got into gun range. Then on another evening hunt I had a gobbler catch me with my pants down as I was packing up to leave and he appeared out of nowhere and my gun was out of reach. I was getting frustrated to say the least...

I didn't hunt this morning but I had a good friend of mine I've known since the 1st grade coming in to town. We haven't hunted together in a couple years so we planned a hunt for this afternoon-he would run the camera and I'd be the trigger man. We got settled on the edge of a long food plot that the birds have been using, calling sparingly just to let them know we were in the area.

Not much happened for the next couple hours. We both sat there just quietly catching up on what each other had been doing since we'd last talked. Between one of our conversations I looked to my left and saw a hen walk out of the woods into the plot at around 60 yards, followed by another. They were slowly picking at the tops of the grass and not in a big hurry at all but they weren't getting any closer to us.

All of a sudden my friend whispers,"Three birds, 100 yards coming straight to us!" I slowly turn to my right and 3 gobblers are steady walking our direction. I ease the gun up and get ready. They are spread out at around 15 yards intervals and I'm focused on the lead bird.

This is where trying to film a hunt can be tricky. At 40 yards the lead bird notices the hens and picks up his pace-ALOT. I had switched vests earlier in the day and I forgot to put my mouth calls in it. My friend didn't have his in at the time either so the first bird gets by us. The second starts running and gets past us as well. The 3rd gobbler gets to us and my buddy had him with the camera so he lets out a half hearted yelp with his voice. Unfortunately when he stops he's not in a good shooting lane. I move the gun and of course he spots the movement and turns to get out of Dodge but by then it's too late. I shoot and he folds at 30 steps.

The bird wasn't the biggest of the bunch but it sure was fun to be able to share the experience with a dear friend of mine. This somewhat chaotic hunt is one I'll remember for a long time. I'll post up the score pics tomorrow.


Congrats Mossy!!!!! Man the team is coming out swinging early! This is awesome and I'm freaking jealous. Nice work!


Congrats gentlemen, I've been working a one gobbler for the past several days. Sunday morning I finally got within 200 yards of where he was roosted. He hit the ground gobbling and must have sounded off 50 times over 20 minutes as he worked my direction, just when I thought he was committed I heard hens cutting and yelping and yep, it was game over. Gotta work for a couple of days but gonna try to get on him again middle of the week after a big storm front moves through. Hope to catch him coming into a big field he sometime frequents, maybe to dry off and warm up some. Good luck to everyone chasing those crazy birds.

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Freaking awesome, Del!!! Great pictures and story.

Mossy on the board with a great bird. Great story. It's always special sharing the hunt with a dear friend. Congratulations.


Mossy, awesome sounding hunt. Nothing like sharing a hunt like that with a buddy. Beautiful color on that bird. Keep hammerin boys!!

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Congrats Mossy!  Another great story, beautiful bird, and great picture!!


Way to go brother. Wow, beauty there......congrats


Way to seal the deal, Mossy !!!!!!

PA elitist since 1979

The good Lord ain't made a gobbler I can't kill.  I just gotta be there at the right time.....  on the day he wants to die.


The last 3 mornings I've been trying to get on a pair of birds but it has been tough. The area these birds like to be in is pretty thick and there's so many ridges and ditches it can be difficult to find the right spot to set up. My dad, who is 73, went with me yesterday morning and we got close but the terrain got us. This morning they were a good ways off and I was afraid I'd run out of time before church so I left them alone. My plan was to ease in this afternoon where they were roosted yesterday morning and stay until dark.

I called about every 20 minutes or so and just enjoyed the evening. At 4 p.m. I cut real loud and a gobbler answered just over the next ridge about 70 yards away. I kept quiet and it only took about 5 minutes before I saw 2 birds top the ridge looking for the hen that was supposed to be there. They'd take a few steps and strut, take a few more steps and strut some more. They made their way down the ridge and when the first one got to 25 yards I yelped, he stuck his head up and my second bird of the season never even flopped when I pulled the trigger. As I checked him out I noticed he was a fine doubled bearded gobbler! He just missed being an upgrade but it doesn't matter. It's only my second multi-bearded turkey ever. Man it was a great day to be in the turkey woods!


Wow, way to go buddy. Love those black hooks......well done


Well done........again....... Mossy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   CONGRATS !!!!!    :jackson:

That bird's gonna REP-RE-SENT on the score sheet !!!!!     :you_rock:
PA elitist since 1979

The good Lord ain't made a gobbler I can't kill.  I just gotta be there at the right time.....  on the day he wants to die.


Heck yeah, Mossy!!!!! Super jealous. I've always wanted to walk up to a multi-bearded bird. Congratulations.


Congratulations Mossy!!!!! Great bird and great story! Ahhhh.....this has me so pumped up!


Meleagris gallopavo

Well done Mossy!

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I live and hunt by empirical evidence.