I carried a friend of mine's younger brother this morning. We roosted a bird Friday eve on public land. and got in there early this morning to beat the crowds. Bird flew down this morning and came straight to us. However, there was some brush and thick foliage that kept us from getting a clear shot. Unfortunately, the gobbler basically gobbled his way out the ridge away from us. After that the gobbler hushed and we could hear other hunters calling to him. At that point we tried to circle him without success. At 10:15 we ended up at our initial setup and decided to give it another try. It wasn't a few minutes later he gobbled out that same ridge. This time we decided to use the cover as an advantage and was able to get setup in his strut zone. At 10:50 I called him in and my friends brother made a great shot. It was a great hunt with great friends!!
21.5 lbs
9 3/4" beard
1" spurs
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