Hen boxes (handled) and Turpin style (nonhandled) are different calls and generally run and sound slightly different.
They'll also sound different from different call makers and, of course, different woods.
Some will lean toward a cost style sound and some will have a more mature/hen box sound. I like both...
Regarding ease of running them, that's more a function of the maker.
Some are easier to run but have somewhat less range than others. Others may be slightly more difficult to run but you can get a little more out of them.
I like Richard Hudson, Mike Lapp, Doug Morgan and Ed Jenkins, all for different reasons.
There are others that make good hen boxes and Turpin style boxes, but I don't have enough experience with them to make an educated comment.
A good hen box/Turpin has a unique sound that lots of turkeys haven't heard and respond to really well...
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