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Will tomorrow be the day????

Started by Peck1524, May 06, 2011, 08:04:19 AM

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Finally getting back after those birds I love to hate so much. I've had a rough season so far. Between sitting in the pouring rain and coming so close but not being able to close the deal, to missing last Saturday due to that tic bite. I've actually had a string of 3 straight rough turkey hunting years. Don't want to call it bad luck, since most of it was me screwing up. But thats all a part of turkey hunting I suppose. Hopefully I can send some Hevi-13 into the skull of a nice Tom tomorrow morning!!! I'm going to set up in the same field I was in 2 weeks ago. Its a small field, maybe 75 yards x 125 yards. Any suggestions on how/where to set up?? Decoys??


Both days I hunted it rained the whole time. I think I'm going to use a jake decoy tomorrow. If I was hunting that field I would put a decoy out amd sit just inside the woods  Good Luck tomorrow.


Best of luck to both of you tomorrow!!!! :icon_thumright: :icon_thumright:

I will be working but I will have turkeys on my mind, wishing I was hunting.

Peck, I am sorry about the tick incident, I have been checking in but not posting much.
I hate that you had to go through all of that.


Thanks guys. I didn't get him Saturday, but he did come in hot. I called him in from what sounded like a couple hundered yards away. I had a jake and hen decoy in the field and I was set back about 5 yards in the woods. I finally saw him about 75-80 yards away across the far end of the field just in the woods strutting and gobbling like crazy. Through my binoculars he looked like a BIG bird with a nice size beard. I gave him a few soft clucks and yelps and he went off. I lost sight of him but could hear him gobble and double gobbling back and forth in the woods across the field from were I was set up. He must have gobbled 30-40 times over the course of 30 minutes or so. He sounded like he got as close as 50 yards, but I couldn't see him due to the slight incline of the field I was hunting. I just couldn't get him to leave the woods and head to the decoys. I'm thinking he may have been a bit nervous about my jake. He finally headed back into the woods and out of earshot. I'm gonna give him another go this Saturday except this time I'm going to set up on the opposite end of the field with either a hen decoy or two or no decoys at all. Either way I'm leaving the jake at home this time.


Yes tomorrow will be the day,  hang in there and it will happen.  I have had so many close encounters I could about vomit.  But persistance hopefully will pay off.  Scoot


Good luck this coming Sat. Derek, this time of the year your probably best with just a hen decoy, if any at all. Wait and let him gobble before you put your hen out and make sure she is facing away from him. It's getting  to be that time of the year where "less is more", I was out Sat for 7 hours and if I touched a call 10 times that was a lot. Just let him know your there and make him come find you, don't yelp if he's headed your way at all, all soft calls and very few of them, if he turns and goes away then get on him with some excited yelps.
Wisconsin Turkey and Turkey Hunting Pro-Staff


I put a feather flex jake out and it worked. I had 2 jakes come in and spend almost a half hour with him.  :love5:

There were about 3 gobblers down over the hill but so were the hens. They sounded like the were closing the distance then it was like someone flipped a switch and there was silence the rest of the morning. Walking out I found were some predator had just killed a gobbler.