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Couple Birds from this year... (Warning, bloody pic)

Started by HoggleGobble, May 06, 2011, 03:31:51 PM

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I called this one up for my dad one morning. Only the second bird he has ever killed. Sitting next to him on a tree watching him aim down his barrel was a memory I will never forget. He even admitting to getting a little nervous. Birds were hammering all around and this one came in silent strutting on a B-Line to us. Awesome morning.

Killed this one the next week sitting in the same place my dad was sitting when he killed the one pictured above. What a great tree!! He was across the Cahaba river, and never said a word. I kept waiting for the woods to wake up and didn't hear didley squat (day after a bunch of tornados came through the area). I gave a flydown cackle and nothing. Then about thirty seconds later I heard sssssshshshshhsshshshhsshSHSHSHHSHHSHSHS PLUMP. He landed about 7 steps from me. Shot him at 9 steps. His head tells the story. You can see his eye hanging out.



Congratulations to you both! I'm sure your dad really appreciates the memory too.