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What has "ruined" that bird from coming in?

Started by Marc, May 03, 2019, 01:28:01 AM

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Had a big gobbler strutting in the shade of an oak tree in the middle of a pasture. He had been there for an hour gobbling like crazy . He wasn't coming . Until a big black angus bull walked over an ran him out of the shade . He came straight to me .   Sometimes it works out .


The last week one Nebraska, deer had been my nemesis. At first I would be working around a bird and spook deer on my way in. They wouldn't inevitably sprint through the turkeys and bump them. I'm still not sure how much it takes for deer to bother them, but it does bother them if a few sprint through their group.

On this subject, DO I HAVE A STORY FOR YOU GUYS! 

A couple nights ago I was camped out next to their roost tree awaiting their return to thecspotbibfailed that morning. 15 minutes into my sit I hear a Jake yelp. Not two minutes goes by and I hear walking behind me. Slowly turn and there's a deer b-lining it to me. She gets to about 10 feet before blowing up and of course running through the turkeys. They get spooked wide of me so I follow, hearing yelping every once in a while. I climbed the hill to get an ear on their roosting location when I hear some nervous clucks 200 yards below me. I still can't believe they saw me as I was sitting there motionless at the time but it must have been me getting in my own way. I went to slide backwards out of there and when I did they all blew out like pheasants. I watch in agony through my binoculars as a few hens flew over the remaining public and were just about to land just across the cedar fence row when a nearly all white coyote jumps up and tries to snatch one! I yell "holy ****" and he does a great job of spooking the turkeys BACK into public. I never did put eyes on the gobbler but he was there! Bright and early the next morning i promptly got in my own way and screwed it up.


I've had deer, coyotes, wild hogs all spook deer. Hogs are the worst becuase nothing likes o be around them.

I worked a bird forever one morning and when he was almost in range, the trapper on the property came by to check his traps on a side by side and spooked the gobbler bad enough that he flew off.

I spooked one myself that was in sight when a rattler decided to slither by way too close scaring the crap out of me. It was within a few yards and headed to me when I decided that was enough and quit the game that morning wit the gobbler.

High plains drifter

I totally get what you are saying.Cattle can really mess things up.Coyotes are out there, and they can ruin a hunt.Goats, geese, dogs. Turkey hunting, is always a cheap shoot, there are a lot if variables,  but that makes it fun.One time, I had a goat, and a Lama come in.


I did unknowingly setup once right next to a big bull snake!  Girth was about the size of my wrist and I'm no small fry at 6'1 pushing 200 pounds.  I got up in a hurry when I saw him slither off in my peripheral vision.  The bird had been in a field with a bunch of hens when a dune buggy came blazing by at 50+ MPH which actually worked to my advantage as it flushed the tom onto public and separated him from the hens that scattered in all directions.  Got him to gobble a couple of times, but as soon as I sprung up from where I had setup, he never made another peep.  Probably saw me.


Had a logging crew drive through my set up a couple weeks ago. That was a first for me


I've had many adventures in the woods hunting. It's part of what keeps me coming back for more!
I've had my decoys surrounded by 100 cows who just stood there staring and mooing at them. :TooFunny:
I've had a cow walk in, pick up my decoy by the neck and walk away with it. :o I had to chase it down and yell at it to get it to drop my deke. ;D
I had a bald eagle swoop down and grab and old foam style deke right off it's stake and fly away with it. After about 50 yards, it figured out that something wasn't right and dropped it.
One time I had a huge hawk (biggest I've ever seen!) swoop down and attack a hen deke. It was an inflatable with the A-Way Turkey Skinz feather outfit over it, so it looked very real. The hawk hit it in the neck with its talons, and punctured 5 big holes in the decoy's neck. Likely would have been lethal on a real hen.
Another time I was hunting a FLA WMA and had 2 idiots sneak in and raise their guns to shoot my decoys. I heard and saw them coming, so how in the world did they think they were going to sneak up on real turkeys? ::) I whistled to them, and they lowered then guns then looked around. Upon not seeing anything, they aimed at my dekes again. This time I stood up and yelled at them, "Don't shoot my decoys!!!" >:( They turned tail and ran away. :TooFunny:
One other time, also on a FLA WMA I had a gobbler coming in. He was just out of range when I heard a box call nearby. So did the gobbler. He stopped and turned towards the call. I looked and there were two idiots (we call them Walking Wally's) stand on the top of a nearby hill hammering on a box call like they were on a turkey hunting show. ::) They would call, look around, walk 50 to 75 yards and repeat. They didn't see the gobbler, but he dropped out of strut, and ran to a nearby clump of bushes and hid. I jumped up and ran closer, diving behind a bush when I got in range and aimed at the bushes the gobbler was in. These idiot Wally's saw me but kept coming and calling. ??? Finally they got close enough to spook the gobbler. He stood up and looked at them, I put the dot on his neck and fired. I ran up to my gobbler, and I was really pissed at the two morons. I picked up my gobbler and hoisted him and my shotgun into the air before letting out a victory yell. :z-guntootsmiley: :you_rock: The two Wally's kept walking and calling, going right by me. Weirdest thing I've ever seen ???
I've also seen Florida panthers, coyotes, bobcats, elk, mule and whitetail deer, moose, otters, alligators, snakes, big boar hogs, and all kinds of birds while in the woods.  Never a dull moment!! :icon_thumright:


The oddest hunt I can remember was maybe 25-30 yrs ago and on a state forest. we were working a gobbler below a parking lot. A car pulls in and 4 mushroom hunters dressed in bright colors descend into the woods talking way louder than necessary and walking right at the gobbler. The gobbler walks over to a tree and stands like a statue. The shroom hunters hit the bench below us and walk right by us oblivious to our presence. Soon as they were like 100 yards away the gobbler lets out a big gobble and I hit him with a call. He responds and starts our way. when he is about 50 yards I hear talking behind me (my buddy is 30-40 yards in front of me). I start hammering the call to try and let the shroom hunters know we're there. One guy says lets sneak up and see those turkeys. Just as they are about 25 yards from me the gobbler gets close enough to my buddy and he drops the hammer. We could see all 4 of the mushroom hunters and knew they were clear. Soon as he shoots I hear a, "what the F&*#". I stand up and they about crap themselves. I turn and apologize for the scare and one guy calls me an asshole. I'm like didn't you hear me call, you parked by our truck and you could hear the gobbles, didn't you think someone might be hunting. His buddy lights into him and says, I told you so, we shouldn't even have come in here. My buddy and I just collected the bird and walked to our truck with the one jerk still yelling, "YOU FING ASSH%$S".

Now I was younger and more brash then. I would not do that today, the good Lord has changed my heart enough I would look at things a bit different.

Dr Juice

Quote from: yelpy on May 03, 2019, 08:48:40 AM
Someone shot him out of the tree 100 yrds from where I was set up. Gotta love a good sportsman.

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Same thing happened to me.