I'll Tapatalk this keg!
(See what I did there)
I've been seeing some birds close to the house.
First it was 5 long beards and 2 jakes.
Then a dozen hens now and then, but never with the gobblers.
One day the 5 long beards shadowed the hens.
After that it was 2 long beards and the dozen hens pretty regularly for a couple weeks.
Last weekend it was 5 long beards and the dozen hens.
A few days ago, 5 long beards and only 4 hens.
The last few days only the 5 long beards.
I watched them go to roost yesterday evening. This morning I went to listen.
They gobbled their heads off. I'm sure it's the same long beards, but they sound like a bunch of jakes.
Probably two year olds, and I suspect they lost their "harem" to a more dominant bird/birds.
4 WEEKS BABY!!!!!!
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