Finally got some decent weather and time to try out my new gun. It's a Winchester SX3 Longbeard Hybrid with 24" barrel. I'm using a Jeb's Headhunter .650 choke with Federals #7 TSS in a 3 1/2", 2 1/4 oz. shell. I'm liking this setup. I did shoot these same loads with Trulock's new choke for #7 TSS. I'll post those up later. Gotta say the folks at Jebs are a-okay. Took their time in answering all my questions and I really like the one the suggested!
40 yards with slight wind at my back. 215 hits in the 10" ring.
20 yards. I believe I pulled this shot slightly to the right.
20 yards with Trulock's new .650 TSS Choke.
40 yards with Trulock choke. I possibly pulled this shot low and to the left. Comparable number of pellets to the Jeb's choke.