I greatly appreciate the info you guys have provided and certainly didn't intend to trigger an argument. I'm 57 and born and raised in Florida where everyone comes to fish, vacation, etc and am very sensitive to encroachment on resources. I've seen them disappear like you all probably can even imagine. Our public lands are very difficult to hunt down here because of overcrowding and I'm lucky to be able to lease land for my kids and me to hunt.
As much as anything, I'd really like to find an outfitter in Missouri where we can hunt. Don't know that I'll be able to spend a lot of time out there scouting and have no experience hunting the Midwest or your type of terrain. I'm not interested in any high fence operations. Bow hunting or gun are options.
Certainly pm me if you think it's better.
Hooksfan-PM me if you'd like try to swap some hunts. I also have a couple boats on the water and we spend a lot of time fishing inshore and offshore Atlantic Ocean.
Thanks guys,