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Story about Grace of God

Started by Bowguy, June 14, 2017, 10:00:19 AM

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Thank you Bugman, I really do believe I will be ok. I want to use some of this to help others.  Thank you everyone but let's pray for others who are in need

Spitten and drummen

dang bowguy. Thats a tough situation all around but you already know god is good and it rains on the just and unjust alike. You know if you pray to him , he knows your heart and you will be ok. I will send a prayer your way. Keep your head up and with god in your life , there is no storm you cant weather.


If I tried to sit down and write about how many times the Lord has rescued me we'd be here a while. I have literally been blessed beyond what I could ever say. He has delivered me from depression, losing a job, healed my wife and saved me from death and all of those are just the small things. Most of all he took a sinner and agnostic/atheist and offered me grace and forgiveness, and entry into his kingdom. Life was soaring for me by the early 90s and I was living my dream, but life was unsettled after having one of my very dearest friends die in my arms one day.I needed to settle this God thing once and for all. To make this short I started a quest to answer the big one,"is God real". I found my answer in Jesus Christ around 1996. Little did I know that he had saved me in preparation for the biggest crap storm I could ever imagine. Within 7 years I would face multiple serious illnesses with my wife, my mother becoming terminally ill, financial ruin, depression and multiple deaths among my family and friends. Not to mention my own problems. I thought the storm would never end, but it did and everything I lost has been restored many times over. I have peace. When I committed my soul to Jesus I promised I would follow him forever. He certainly brought me through some tough fires, but I have kept that promise and minister to his kingdom in any form I can. I answered the call to minister to incarcerated juvenile boys and have ran a prison ministry to them for many years now. I have seen miracles upon miracles and can say GOD IS GREAT!

Now for a personal story. Some of you know in 2009 I was shot and critically wounded in a turkey hunting accident. I found myself laying on the forest floor bleeding to death and I literally asked the Lord out loud, "is this the day I die"? I thought of my wife who I did not kiss goodbye that day, I thought about my daughters and the fact I would never walk them down the Isle, I thought I'll never see my grandchildren and I did not want to die alone! The Lord said to me in my spirit, "get up and fight" and I did. I walked as far as I could bleeding profusely until my buddy found me, but we still had 3/4 mile to the truck. We made there and to a hospital and 10 minutes later I crashed on the table. I was life flighted to a trama center and by God guided hands I lived. It was a very hard recovery that took a year and in that year I fell and broke my arm so severely it required wiring back together. I can tell you it was tough and discouraging, but I knew God was right there at every step. So fast forward, I have recovered from all wounds, physical and emotional and I'm back in the woods and loving life. Don't ever think God can not deliver you from any circumstance......He is simply AWESOME


Wow Eggshell, that's some story. I'm glad you're ok n sorry for any trouble you endured.


An oh man, these stories make my heart smile!!!
I've got one too and I'll pass it along. About 13yrs ago I went through some very rough times. A long time relationship ended, I lost a good job and was going through bankruptcy. That's the majors and there were plenty of minors going on as well. I had always been a fixer, if anything was wrong I'd fix it. At least I thought it was me until I truly realised who the fixer is. I tried and tried but couldn't do anything about my situation. I was raised in church but quit going in my teenage years but always had a strong belief in God. After failing to fix my problems myself, I turned them over to God. I had nowhere else to turn except Him. I turned them over in COMPLETE faith and trust and started trying to live for Him and be a good example. I started reading the Bible and listening to what it told me. I started trying to be sensitive to the leading of the Spirit.. I gained a confidence and peace that to this day I can't fully explain. Things started changing for me slowly, it didn't happen overnight. When something changed I'd smile and think.....God, that's you because it could NOT happen any other way, thank you. Things have been good for me for a while now. I still smile when I see His work in my life and others. As far as the peace and confidence that I talked about., I know that if my life crashes and I end up living under a bridge, I'm going to be just fine.
Praise and glory to God alone.