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WV Youth Day Success!!

Started by longbeard11, April 20, 2017, 02:53:41 PM

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Been wanting to post this for awhile and finally getting time to. Just get ready for an awesome story and one very proud daddy!!!!  ????

As most of u may know my wife and I have been fostering two adopt two little girls for the past 2, going on 3 years now. They are bio sisters, one is 9 and the other is 2 (we brought her home from the hospital). These two precious little girls are my whole world and I couldn't be prouder to be their daddy! God allowed us to rescue them from a very very bad place and I thank Him for it every day! That is a whole story in itself that I won't go into, but it's been a ride I'll just say that, and we could have never make it this far without God with us!

Ok, so now onto turkeys. Lol My 9 year olds name is Angel (pretty fitting for God to send us an angel)! This was her first year being old enough to hunt. She killed 2 deer this fall and she was pumped to go on the youth hunt for her first turkey, as was I! So we went to the farm Thursday to set her blind on a beautiful flat in the woods between two roosting points, the perfect spot! Birds roost here every year and love to strut on this flat! We then go shoot her new gun and get her comfortable with it, and as we are shooting I spot a big strutter with 3 hens across the road, so we watch them the rest of the evening and see them fly up. He then gobbled, erupting a thunder of gobbles right by her blind! Yes, we were a little excited!!! ????

So fast forward to Saturday. We are up at 4:30 ready to head out. Get to the farm and we sneak into our blind by the moonlight really early to start getting set up. As I'm setting up her tripod for her gun a turkey gobbles 80 yards behind our blind, and all we could do was smile, game on! So we get set up and the woods come alive, birds gobbling everywhere and we had 3 directly behind us just blowing the woods down.

So they fly down and get a little quite and I get her ready knowing that they are coming. Next time the gobble they were right behind our blind. We peek out the back window and there they are, 3 big strutters with a hen at 35 yards. They stand back there strutting and gun belong for close to an hour!! Couldn't get them to come around, but we are still in the game. Well they walk over the hill about 50 yards, but still there in sight and I keep calling and scratching in leaves to keep them content, they are eating it up!!!

Well the big gobbler then goes ahead and breeds his hen, then she comes running up the hill and starts scratching 20 yards behind our blind, game time!!! A couple soft calls, with her talking to and he did an about face and marched up the hill right at us! Well a big bird had circled us and pops up on the flat in front of us at 35 yards catching us off guard. Then he tucks and runs. What the heck?!? Then I hear drumming like a bass drum and wings dragging, he had seen that big gobbler coming. Big boy struts by our blind at 5 steps, I could have spit on him, and he goes out to our decoy at 17 yards and proceeds to strut for 5 minutes. Angel did so good and got on him all on her own as I ran the camera laying down some gorgeous footage!! As he stepped out from behind a tree in full strut she dropped the hammer on him and he was down stone cold dead, never even flapped!!! Was incredible!!!!! I absolutely lost it then going nuts and just hugging her, I can't even put it all into words the feelings I felt, but I wouldn't trade it for the world!!!

This hunt will be featured on our kingdom Connection Film we are working on and I so can't wait to share it with everyone, will go down forever as one of the best all time for me!

I am unable to share pics of her smiling face publicly at this time due to legal and safety reasons, and I hate that, but will be soon. Until then you'll just have to look at my ugly mug lol. God bless u guys and have a great season!!



Great story, including (especially) the non-turkey hunting part.  Can't wait to see the video.


 :icon_thumright:  Great story!  Thanks for sharing it.


NWTF Booth 1623
One of my personal current interests is nest predators and how a majority of hunters, where legal bait to the extent of chumming coons.  However once they get the predators concentrated they don't control them.



Great pics and story.....looking forward to the video!! Congrats to the both of you on a day you will both never forget!!


Thank u guys!!! Definitely one that will forever go down as one of the best for me! Words can't even describe it.

Spitten and drummen



Give Thanks Unto The Lord,For He Is Good,His Love Endures Forever!



The Great White Spur Hunter