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Remember the first bird you called in ?

Started by greencop01, March 11, 2017, 09:30:11 AM

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tha bugman

Blew the owl call once...two turkeys gobbled....3 yelps on my slate...two turkeys cut my yelps....two turkeys came up strutting....only one flew away


I was a young fellow (kid) in 68 in Central Florida.  My Dad had just started letting me sit by myself but was always within sight of him.   I had an old PS Olt scratch call and had been making some noise on it which I assumed sounded like a turkey.   While picking my nose I heard something I had no idea what it was.  Out of the corner of my eye I see this gobbler, he looked like a VW Bug with the doors open and trunk up going around in circles.   He was the source of the odd sound.  Remembering how my Dad always taught me several times before to ease the gun up slowly to avoid being spotted I decided to use that as plan B.   I decided jerking the gun up quickly would be the better option.   It worked out and the gobbler just closed his trunk and doors and put his head up.  I got the bead on him (not sure where) and pulled the trigger.    The gobbler went to flopping and I put some moves on him I learned from watching Gordon Solie and Championship Wrestling.   It wasn't long and my Dad was there and took control of the gobbler.  In all the excitement I left that call at the base of that live oak.   We looked for it the next weekend but never found it.  I'm hoping what's left of it is still buried there somewhere.   
If I'm not back in five minutes, wait longer!
BodonkaDeke Prostaff
MoHo's Prostaff
Do unto others before others do unto you
Official Member Of The Unofficial Firedup Turkey
Calls Prostaff


The first bird I called in was back about 1985. I had an old Lynch box and a single shot h & r 20 gauge. I just sat down in the woods and started cackling away on that box. I heard something running up behind me and I just knew it was my squirrel dog that followed me there. I jumped up and turned around and there was a jake standing there about 10 ft away.

Of course I tried a head shot and missed. I think I went back about 3 times that afternoon and tried to call him back up.


The first solo bird for me was a public land Jake. I had just got my driver's license and mom let me skip school one day to hit some public land close to the house. I heard a bird on the roost and called entirely too much with my Quaker boy box call, but he came in anyway. Shot him at 20ish yards with a 3in federal #6 blue and gold box (pre flight control). I thought I really was hot stuff walking back to my beat up truck with a bird stuck in my vest.