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UA (Under Armour) drops a sponsor due to a hunting video posted

Started by Marc, August 25, 2016, 02:30:55 AM

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My position is that I feel that hunters need to show a bit more restraint when pounding our chests on social media...

I have no issue with the bear being killed, but I do take issue with the posting of a video that will offend the majority of non-hunters...

The Anti's will get there foot in any door we open, and we need to stop opening so many doors...

On the flip side of that, as mentioned in my first post, I wrote a letter to UA expressing my concern of their position on hunters and their continued support of hunting...  If we sit still and do nothing while we let anti's slam those doors back on us, I fear our children and grandchildren might miss out on the passions we so enjoy.

I would encourage everyone on this forum to write UA and question their stance and support on hunting.  Let them know we are a force, and that these issues are important to us and where we spend our money...

I have not yet had a response to my own letter, but I did find another link...  Copy and paste to both links...


Did I do that?

Fly fishermen are born honest, but they get over it.


The honest truth is that tv/social media hunters are after attention. I fear the animal itself means very little to them other than its "trophy" status and that attitude is going to cost the hunter in general. The hunter / conservationist is gone. The older I get the more disturbed I am about the trend I am seeing.

Good-Looking and Platinum member of the Elitist Club


I have as much of a problem with the spear as I do hunting over a bait barrel. While both may be legal, I wouldn't hunt that way. That doesn't mean I condem him for hunting that way. As hunters, we must stick together, work together to protect the sport we love.


The problem is you have to many of these new breed tv/social media types who think they are some type of celebrity. Used to be people shot an animal walked up and retrieved it, took it home processed the meat, preserved hide if applicable or whatever. Nowadays you have to many so called hunters who shoot something whoop and holler, pound their chests and proceed to show and tell everyone all about how "that one took a dirt nap" or whatever stupid slogan/saying they come up with. They glorify the killing aspect of the hunt which makes it clear that this is the most important read only thing they care about. The kill is more important than the hunt to this new breed of hunter. They act like they accomplished something up there in there tree house over looking a feeder watching their pet deer till they find the one they want to harvest. Then they proceed to tell the world about it like it was some kind of great feat describing in great detail all the hard work and preparation that went into the hunt (keeping plenty of food in the feeder, or making sure all of the fences were still secure)  Oh yea and it was always the last day of the hunt and really the last hour of daylight (always goes down to the wire).

Bunch of killers out there now, not many real hunters left.   Hunting is not what it used to be and it never will be again. Happy summed up nicely how I feel about this.  Trophy hunting and this kill at all cost attitude is the problem here. I can't blame political correctness as much as I blame it on the changing of the hunter and hunters attitudes. The sad fact is that this new breed of so called hunter has become the majority. Bunch of egotistical maniacs with an over inflated opinion of themselves and their so called accomplishments. It is way past being long overdue that responsible hunters who have respect for the animal hunted take a stand against these kill at all costs killers who call themselves hunters. These people will be the downfall of hunting. All they care about is putting money in their pockets and showing/telling everyone how great of a hunter they are. They have no respect for the animal. The new breed doesn't understand what hunting is all about. Hunting has gotten to far away from its roots and I don't think it will ever get back at this point.  To many people subscribe to the theory that as long as something is legal then it is alright. Legal and ethical are two different things.



Couldn't agree more. People are more worried about killing than enjoying the hunt itself. Ihuntoldschool nailed it.  Just seen a post today on Facebook about someone who shot a fawn yesterday in the neighborhood very close to where I live. The mom and her two fawns were frequently visiting the neighborhood. Weren't causing any problems or anything and some sick (names I won't say here) just kills one of the fawns. Obviously out of season and was in a smaller village which doesn't allow the discharge of firearms within the village limits. All about the thrill of killing and no respect for the animal.



Once again, I am proud to be a member of the OG family, after reading the thoughtful responses in this thread. There are so many "wise words" in so many of the posts.

All of us who want to preserve the right and privilege that we have to hunt owe it to our fellow hunters and to the future generation of hunters to conduct ourselves in a responsible manner. Our "audience" includes many who are neutral on the subject of hunting but also many who are very much against it and will use the words and actions of some hunters to prove their points.

The choice is ours.

Again, I'm proud of all the thoughtful responses.

"If he's out of range, it just means he has another day and so do you."


Quote from: 2eagles on August 26, 2016, 07:58:28 AM
I have as much of a problem with the spear as I do hunting over a bait barrel. While both may be legal, I wouldn't hunt that way. That doesn't mean I condem him for hunting that way. As hunters, we must stick together, work together to protect the sport we love.
While I agree with what you are saying, there is another side to this issue as well.

I would not condemn him for this "hunt" either...  Although, not what I would call hunting, but I respect his choice to do so.

What I would condemn, is his decision to post such a video on a mainstream social media site.

I enjoy many of the pictures and videos posted on this and other HUNTING sites (most of which are tasteful)...  But those of us viewing these sites are either hunters, or someone looking to see hunting related topics.  It is quite a different matter to post a graphic and for most non-hunters, offensive video of hunting.
And while I am not happy about UA's decision, I am more disturbed by the complete lack of respect and courtesy to non-hunters by throwing such a video in their face on a non-hunting mainstream media site.

Yep, we need to stand together and support our cause, but we also need to take our heads out of the sand...  While I support his decision to harvest an animal using alternative and unique means, I would have no problem openly condemning him for choosing to post such a video on a mainstream public forum.
Did I do that?

Fly fishermen are born honest, but they get over it.

M Sharpe

I think ihuntoldschool summed it up best!! I totally agree about where the so called hunters are today!! It is a "look at me world", "look what I did" sort of thing!! I was talking to a game warden friend of mine today and asking if he had seen it. He said such tactics were against the law in the state of Georgia! Look at the video... you say well You can shoot them with a bow. Yes, you can! Most guys that I know, that bow hunt, can put their arrows in a 5 inch circle every time. I don't know of anyone than can throw a spear in a 5 inch circle every time. Suppose that spear had struck that bear right in front of his hind quarters, in the gut, reckon this guy would have run in there to finish him off?? I doubt it!! He is just an adrenalin high junkie out for attention!! I know the Indians used to hunt like this....that was before they had firearms. They did it to survive...not the reason this glory hound did it!! Just because something is legal, doesn't mean I do it! I don't shoot turkeys from the roost either!! Deer crossing a stream, which is illegal here, I don't need a law to tell me it is unethical!! I know a guy who's dogs ran a yearling deer onto a small island out in the middle of a pond. Guy catches his dogs, goes home and gets his boat. Paddles out to the island and kills the yearling deer. Illegal?? No!! Unethical?? Very much so, in my book!!
I'm not a Christian because I'm strong and have it all together. I'm a Christian because I'm weak and admit I need a Saviour!