I received the call last night and played it quite a bit, fortunately my wife was not home. The call can be played very soft with very little pressure with Goncalo Alves and Red Cedar strikers. Increasing the striker pressure makes the call louder. I played around with over a dozen different strikers, and the surface seemed to be very striker friendly. The call is able to play pretty raspy, depending on the striker used. I found my Stuckey Tulipwood brought some real nice rasp out of the call. Bloodwood did as well. I was really liking what I was hearing using a Hickory on it too. It can let out a high pitch scream on the front of the yelp if you want it. Out of all the different one piece strikers I have, I think I have settled on playing mine with Goncalo Alves, Bloodwood, Hickory, and Tulipwood. All depends on the situation and what I am looking to get out of it.
I think this call is going to work out to be pretty versatile and a good addition to the arsenal. I would say if anyone is interested in this call, it would be worth picking one up and trying it for yourself.