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WV Opening Day Magic

Started by longbeard11, April 22, 2016, 12:30:39 AM

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So the day was finally here, opening morning! I am blessed to have some amazing turkey farms I am able to hunt, all are loaded with birds, and several are on my way to work allowing me to sneak in a good hour and a half hunt before work during the week days.  I have been able to get on and take several birds this way and allows me much more time in the field enjoying my true passion of spring turkey hunting. 

I decided I was going to go to my brother in laws place, it has been very good to me over the past several years, and knew the birds would be active there again this year. I stepped out of the truck, a tad late due to having to put the baby back to sleep, and a turkey across the road was already gobbling, very good sign.  This particular property is basically 3 big hills all split by a main road in the hollow, I can hunt on both sides of the road but for a before work I only have time to pick one hill and stick on it praying the birds are there.  They tend to fly the road alot, so you just never know! I had already made my mind up where I was going and I took off up the hill to get to my favorite open ridge to my listening spot. 

As I made it to the ridge, the turkey sign was unreal, scratching everywhere! This is very good! So I stood and listened, birds across the road are ripping it, 5 of them, but nothing on my side. UGH! So I eased out the open hardwood ridge to the end of the point where I could hear better and wait em out in a known strut zone.  I leaned up against a big oak tree there for about 45 minutes listening and sporadically calling, praying one on my side would fire up, nothing!  So I started back the ridge, hung a trail camera on the spine on some scratching and proceeded to the back of the hollow to call back in there.  I called, nothing......except the loud mouths across the road.  It was 7:00, I have to leave by 8:00, but these birds are just too hot to not try and get to them. So off I went back out the ridge to try and drop down, cross the road, and get on their side.

As I walked out the ridge the sun was coming up and it was lighting the ridge beautifully, I had to stop and film me walking across that ridge.  I set the camera up and went up and walked across the ridge and into frame of the camera.  As I stepped into frame I gave a series of yelps, GOBBLE!!!! Not 60 yards from me down over the hill, TOTAL PANIC MODE!!! I ran down and grabbed my camera and set up at a tree. I sat down and flipped the camera open and hit record, I had to check him to make sure I wasnt busted, yelp yelp yelp, GOBBLE!!!! Hes close, and coming! A few seconds later I hear crunching in the leaves and hes about the break onto the ridge I am waiting on.  He steps up in front of me about 30 yards in perfect frame of my camera, a couple more steps and BOOM!!!! GAME OVER! From the time I struck the bird to the squeeze of the trigger was a total of 3 minutes, unbelievable hunt with a great bird on film, self filming!! Cant ask for any better than that!!

God's love for me, and for you, continually amazes me!! We are so undeserving of all the blessings he has for us, but he continues to pour it on my by the bucket load.  As I walked up on this bird all I could do was throw my hands up and give him praise and thank him for the many blessings he grants me with in this earthly life! He knows the desires of his childrens heart and he wants the absolute best for them! I am thankful I serve a risen savior that loves me with an amazing unending love!! 7:15 on opening day and my first tag is punched, and we arent even to the best hunting yet, WOW! Thank you Jesus is all I can say! Enjoy the pics guys! Be Blessed!

Deputy 14


Dr Juice

Wow. Now, that's a dirt nap. The quality of the photos are outstanding. The colors are so vivid. Congrats.




Great pics and story! Congrats!!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Great job on the bird and WAY TO GIVE GOD ALL OF THE GLORY! Just wanted to say thank you for the second half of the story of your hunt it truly moved me this morning and helped me remember all of the blessings I have and sometimes don't appreciate. Once again congrats on the beautiful bird and may the Lord continue to bless you and your family. 


fun story, Love when it happens fast like that!!!
<blockquote class="imgur-embed-pub" lang="en" data-id="l4hWuQU"><a href="//imgur.com/l4hWuQU"></a></blockquote><script async src="//s.imgur.com/min/embed.js" charset="utf-8"></script>


Thank u all so much! Appreciate it so much! God is so so good to me and never ceases to amaze me with his outpouring of love for us! I truly just sat on that ridge for almost an hour after that looking at that bird and just talking to God! All I could do was throw my hands up and give him praise! He's worthy of it all! Thank u JESUS


Congratulations to you and great write up and pictures, well done sir.


Awesome!  Waiting for the video  :)
Alive only by the Grace Of God


We are filming for a movie this spring, so this hunt along with the hunt I filmed yesterday will be in that film. After season we will begin post production and hope to have it together to launch at nwtf next year. Keep us in your prayers as we follow Gods direction on this film and do what he wants to do with it.



it's not the harvest,it's the chase