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Blood part 2 and 3

Started by DMP, April 04, 2011, 10:44:59 AM

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Got us an upgrade this morning boys.  Just got to figure out which one scores the best. :z-guntootsmiley:


Where do I even start. Today was a day that my brother and I will never forget. Weve had some great turkey hunts over the years but today will be hard to top. We started out locating a bird on the roost and set up about 150 yds from him. First thing I do is pull out the Spring Allure copper and start some sweet talking and he likes what I have to say. We just knew this bird would have hens seeing how Friday and Saturday this area was full of hens but so far we havent heard any hens in the area. Old tom flys down and continues to gobble at every sound we make and starts slowly working in our direction so I put the call down and we start the wait. Im kind of nervous because I forgot my mouth calls this morning and 90% of the calling I do is with a mouth call so im worried about the bird doing something we don't want him to do and not be able to talk to him. Well my brother happens to have his but lets just say that my brother is by no means a turkey caller when it comes to a mouth call. Not sure why but he has just never been able to get it. So back to the hunt. The bird finally shows himself and is strutting our way. Mean while I start hearing gobbling behind us roughly 200 yds or so. Didn't really think much of it seeing how we had one at 70 yds and closing. The old boy walks behind a briar patch and for some reason decided he had given all he was going to give to the cause and just spit and drummed for 5 mins or so but would never step out for my brother to get a shot. My brother then trys to purr and cluck on time on his mouth call and well lets just say it wasn't very preatty but the bird still wouldn't budge. Now im starting to hear something behind us and its closing fast and is coming over my brothers left shoulder. I see him sneak a peak and his tells me there are two toms coming and coming fast. They see the tom we were hunting and take after him like they were going to wipe that arse but my brother does something on the mouth call to stop them and BOOM he clean misses at 25 yds. All I see is birds running away and me with no shot. Well we both thought the gig was up but I told him to call real hard one time and see if they would still be interested and I about lost my breakfast when more birds gobbled behind us but still a good ways. I spin around to see whats coming and he stayed put to see of the original 3 would do anything. Now I have no mouth call and the Spring Allure is sitting on the other side of the tree so I have no calls in hand so I tell him to hit it and they cut him off. Now his calling sound like some hen thats getting the tar beat out of her but they seemed to like it so I told him to hit it again and BAM they cut him off. By now their coming and coming fast but I can't see them yet but can hear them coming. Finally I see a head and tell my brother to hold still because I was about to end this thing but wait I see two heads, no three, no 4, no 5. My brother says they have to be jakes but I check and all have good beards. Im sure he's spitting nails by now see how he has already missed and he can't see any of these birds but the birds played right into our hand and started moving to my 10:00 which puts them at his 4:00. The strutter was in the back and I roll him at 25 yds and the other 4 jump up like their walking on fire. By now my brother has swung around the has put the bead on one and click. He never reloaded after his miss but he chambers one real quick and BOOM another ones down. Well the other 3 are just standing there and looking around like their lost so BOOM BOOM and two more are sent to see their maker. Im getting chills just thinking about it. We had 8 longbeards come in this morning with no hens or jakes. A hunt of a lifetime I tell you.
After tagging and collecting ourselves we start back to the truck only to see another strutter in the road with some hens. We sat down and let them feed off and finally made it back to the truck.
My birds:
18 lbs 16 lbs
9 3/4 beard 9" beard
7/8 spur 1" spur
7/8 spur 7/8 " spur
His birds:

17 lbs 18 lbs
9.5" beard 9"
7/8 3/4



Amazing story!!!


Wow, I have never had the chance to witness that myself. Now send some south for me, been a hard first week of the season so far
Pray as if everything depends on God, work like everything depends on you



GEEEEZ Louise, I hear ya' big daddy !!!!!!

Holy cow, what a day you guys had. Now i'm triple pumped to hit the woods saturday.

Killer job Derek, and what an awesome story.  :icon_thumright: :icon_thumright: :icon_thumright:

:wav: :wav:


 :turkey2: :turkey2: :turkey2: Wow!! Ain't that the prettiest picture you ever saw! Congrats on a phenomenal hunt.


Thats just awesome! Congrats!



Wow is all I can say, my jaw is still dropped as I type this, what a story....
my new email is paw.paw.jack@sbcglobal.net


I would beg for a chance to hunt with you over there, but it looks like you wiped out the population :TooFunny:
Pray as if everything depends on God, work like everything depends on you



Quote from: misfire on April 05, 2011, 08:38:55 PM
I would beg for a chance to hunt with you over there, but it looks like you wiped out the population :TooFunny:

Oh trust me, there are plenty more and looks like next year will be a good one as well.  Buddy of mine called in 7 jakes the same morning my brother and I killed the 4 toms and he was about 500 yds away from us.   :you_rock:

Going to hit another track in the morning that we haven't stepped foot on since season opened.


Well done!  What a pic!  Congrats.