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Flextone Thunder yelper?

Started by mozer67, February 05, 2016, 05:02:24 PM

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Anyone ever tried one of these? I can't use diaphragm call because they about gag me to death. Is flex tone a good choice or any other suggestions? Thanks for any input!


I tried it. Here's my review: JUNK

Honestly, I think Michael Waddell should be embarrassed to have his name or picture on the package. I've used diaphragm calls for 35 years, and I was just curious to try something a little different. Should have saved my money. If I were you, I think I would look into a tube call offered by one of the callmakers here. Just my  :z-twocents:


Thanks, I read on Amazon reviews about this call and they said about the same as you. Can you suggest a tube call by a call maker on here?


Pappy and Joe (Mother load) . There are many others on here as well I just can't remember all of them.


Check out the tube call thread on here. There's a lot of info in that section. I can't personally vouch for one in particular, but I'm sure some folks will chime in (you might have to throw out the question in that thread too). Have fun!



Learn scratch boxes.  You'll thank me later.  But I'm biased. :popcorn:
Loyal Member of the Tenth Legion


Quote from: KentuckyHeadhunter on February 05, 2016, 08:41:47 PM
Learn scratch boxes.  You'll thank me later.  But I'm biased. :popcorn:

EXCELLENT tip!  :icon_thumright:


Quote from: KentuckyHeadhunter on February 05, 2016, 08:41:47 PM
Learn scratch boxes.  You'll thank me later.  But I'm biased. :popcorn:

I agree! I just bought my first not too long ago and by no means am I an expert with it but it is sure fun to run.


There are other calls I would suggest first, if you want that diaphragm "sound" a tube call would be a better choice. If you are open to some other options lots of "good" calls you can find. With some work/help you still may be able to learn to run that mouth call too.



Who makes a good mouth call that requires less air and maybe a little smaller in size?


Hook's make some super soft running calls. Just call and talk to Scott and tell him what your looking for. He'll get you something to work with.
Genesis 1:26
   Then God said, "Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals,[a] and over all the creatures that move along the ground."


Just got on hook's website and ordered one called "heartthrob". Description looks like it's right up my ally. I'll give it a try and hopefully have better luck than I've had with diaphragms in the past. Thanks for the info. !