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i cant kill this bird!!!

Started by supremepredator, March 29, 2016, 02:04:18 PM

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Quote from: Marc on March 29, 2016, 09:58:08 PM
Two words "Funky Chicken." :smiley-char092:

Just kidding...  If all else fails, I might try gobbling at him as well...  Answer his gobbles in the morning with your own...  Do a few hen yelps to let him know there is a hen in the area as well...

Had a bird that evaded me all last season, and I never had the balls to try that tactic...  As soon as I would call at him (hen calls), other hens would immediately take him the other direction. 

Wish I had tried gobbling aggressively last season, as everything else I did was a complete failure on that bird.
I actually have that decoy, but didn't have time to set it up. Wow really great advice guys. The guys in our club have both told me the same thing, sneak in as close as you can and call only a little. But they also said to read the bird, if he's hot, you get hot. I've just been copying what the hens do and I'm scared I'll freak him out if I start cutting and gobbling. One of the hunters said the leaf scratch can be deadly and that's what I did when I brought that bird in. I will definitely post a pic when I kill him (and I will kill him). P.S. did I mention I have never killed the first bird? I have passed on jakes tho.
"Save the habitat,save the hunt"


Sounds to me like you are all over him and are determined, that's a great start!  Have you tried using a jake decoy? not the funky chicken either, a real jake decoy.  If he is using the area that much placing a jake decoy in the right spot for him to see it and more than likely it'll be game over for him.  I've had really good luck using a jake and single hen decoy set on call shy or silent birds.  I don't remember who posted it but it was excellent advice to IMO, leave him and go find another bird that's ready to die then come back to him.  It's like a successful marriage, you have to pick your battles...


I was going to say the same thing. Every turkey is different and every turkey is different on different days. If a Tom is gobbling at everything he possibly can (crows, geese, trains), he is pretty fired up and you can usually get pretty aggressive with him. But if you call to a Tom and he doesn't gobble for ten minutes, you are probably going to have tone it down a little. Ths is one of those times clucks and scratching in the leaves can be deadly. You may have to be patient, and he may never even gobble again, but sometimes they will come sneaking in. If you see one seeking in, don't make another sound, just get your gun up and let him look for you. I once shot a Tom at 5 feet this way.

Have fun and remember that the only way to learn is to screw it up
Cullen's future best turkey hunter
Hoyt vector turbo
Rem 1100 lt 20 ga
Hr 12 ga


Quote from: BBD on March 30, 2016, 04:16:04 PM
Sounds to me like you are all over him and are determined, that's a great start!  Have you tried using a jake decoy? not the funky chicken either, a real jake decoy.  If he is using the area that much placing a jake decoy in the right spot for him to see it and more than likely it'll be game over for him.  I've had really good luck using a jake and single hen decoy set on call shy or silent birds.  I don't remember who posted it but it was excellent advice to IMO, leave him and go find another bird that's ready to die then come back to him.  It's like a successful marriage, you have to pick your battles...
haha! :TooFunny: I have another foam Jake decoy, but it doesn't have a fan.
"Save the habitat,save the hunt"


Leave it alone until the hens start nesting. All you're doing now is training it about hunters and how to avoid them.