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Funky Chicken got whooped!

Started by sixbird, May 09, 2014, 06:51:32 PM

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Quote from: sixbird on May 30, 2015, 05:56:56 PM
Quote from: warrent423 on May 25, 2015, 07:00:39 PM
I personally couldn't even acknowledge someone that would use something so stupid. Doesn't surprise me what works on "pet" turkeys. To each their own though.

I'm trying to hold my tongue here...You wouldn't acknowledge someone who uses what YOU think is something stupid? That, to me, is stupidity personified. Here in N.J., turkeys are as educated as anywhere ,save maybe Georgia. They've been chased, called at and seen every sort of decoy made...Funky Chicken works on them...Not forcing you to use one...Guess maybe I should take the tac that if you're closed minded enough to not even "acknowledge", I should just shut up and leave you to your prejudices...
He's a curmudgeon. I bet the first thing he says when he looks in the mirror in the morning is "i hate your guts"

That decoy is pretty goofy lookin though. Lol


Well, maybe it more personifies your closed mindedness. I do things differently from a lot of other people but I don't refuse to "acknowledge" them. I'm not "above" them, which it sounds like you think you are.
I use decoys more to position birds and to distract them from my position. Do I HAVE to use them? No...Do I ENJOY using them? ENJOY seeing the turkeys reaction to them? Yes...Do they work? Yep...
So you and the guys "you run with" may be "all that" and feel it's below you to use certain techniques...Me, I'm out for the enjoyment. I happen to like the Funky Chicken, goofy looking as he may be...So I'll unapologetically use him. AND, I won't look down on anybody that uses other techniques. I certainly don't like the tolling stuff, or using a blind, but aside from the safety aspects of tolling, knock yourself out if that's what you like. I'm not going to disparage you or look down on you if you care to use that technique...You like "old school" good for ya'...You like to 'em hunt with snorkling gear. I'm all for ya'...Just save the holier than thou stuff for the sinners and bankers, will ya'?


Quote from: warrent423 on May 30, 2015, 10:30:42 PM
Quote from: sixbird on May 30, 2015, 05:56:56 PM
Quote from: warrent423 on May 25, 2015, 07:00:39 PM
I personally couldn't even acknowledge someone that would use something so stupid. Doesn't surprise me what works on "pet" turkeys. To each their own though.

I'm trying to hold my tongue here...You wouldn't acknowledge someone who uses what YOU think is something stupid? That, to me, is stupidity personified. Here in N.J., turkeys are as educated as anywhere ,save maybe Georgia. They've been chased, called at and seen every sort of decoy made...Funky Chicken works on them...Not forcing you to use one...Guess maybe I should take the tac that if you're closed minded enough to not even "acknowledge", I should just shut up and leave you to your prejudices...
Being of the "old school" and a traditional turkey hunter, I personally don't "acknowledge" any hunters who require decoys, no matter what kind, to kill gobblers. This is only my personal choice, along with the circle of like minded turkey hunters I run with.  If this personified my stupidity, I can live with that.
I don't hunt dekes neither, or a blind. I've been hunting turks since 92 and I've seen a lot change in my 23 years of hunting these great birds. My grandad started hunting them at lbl is the 70's when kentucky had its first season. My grandparents raised me, me y grandmother was also a school teacher, so I got to miss as much school as i wanted to hunt.

there's one tactic I don't agree with even if it is legal in places and that's hunting over bait. As far as any other legal tactic,  I'm not gonna knock anybody for hunting how they want to (as long as it don't interfere with me)

Alot of folks haven't had the times, opportunities, or mentors some of us were fortunate enough to have.

well I'm not too crazy about ground blinds neither because it does take away his number one sense, but anybody that would lug one of them big bastards in and out everyday has to be at least some kind of dedicated.

We are all supposed to be on yhe same team here.


Quote from: Onpoint on May 31, 2015, 06:16:37 PM
Quote from: warrent423 on May 30, 2015, 10:30:42 PM
Quote from: sixbird on May 30, 2015, 05:56:56 PM
Quote from: warrent423 on May 25, 2015, 07:00:39 PM
I personally couldn't even acknowledge someone that would use something so stupid. Doesn't surprise me what works on "pet" turkeys. To each their own though.

I'm trying to hold my tongue here...You wouldn't acknowledge someone who uses what YOU think is something stupid? That, to me, is stupidity personified. Here in N.J., turkeys are as educated as anywhere ,save maybe Georgia. They've been chased, called at and seen every sort of decoy made...Funky Chicken works on them...Not forcing you to use one...Guess maybe I should take the tac that if you're closed minded enough to not even "acknowledge", I should just shut up and leave you to your prejudices...
Being of the "old school" and a traditional turkey hunter, I personally don't "acknowledge" any hunters who require decoys, no matter what kind, to kill gobblers. This is only my personal choice, along with the circle of like minded turkey hunters I run with.  If this personified my stupidity, I can live with that.
I don't hunt dekes neither, or a blind. I've been hunting turks since 92 and I've seen a lot change in my 23 years of hunting these great birds. My grandad started hunting them at lbl is the 70's when kentucky had its first season. My grandparents raised me, me y grandmother was also a school teacher, so I got to miss as much school as i wanted to hunt.

there's one tactic I don't agree with even if it is legal in places and that's hunting over bait. As far as any other legal tactic,  I'm not gonna knock anybody for hunting how they want to (as long as it don't interfere with me)

Alot of folks haven't had the times, opportunities, or mentors some of us were fortunate enough to have.

well I'm not too crazy about ground blinds neither because it does take away his number one sense, but anybody that would lug one of them big bastards in and out everyday has to be at least some kind of dedicated.

We are all supposed to be on yhe same team here.

I'm with ya' on the baiting...I'm of the opinion that that should be illegal everywhere. Like I say, some of the techniques aren't my thing but more power to ya' if it's yours. Just kind of pushed my "elitist" button when he said "acknowledge." Like he is above someone who chooses to use a decoy.
I'm probably fanatical in most peoples' opinion about archery. I can tune a bow probably as well as any professional. I have a press and a draw board and scales and any manner of stuff to make a bow perform to it's highest level. I make my own arrows and have educated opinions on arrow weight/speed/efficiency...I've studied a LOT about all of this stuff...I know guys that buy a bow, buy some arrows and shoot.
I'm sure most people look at me and think..."Why...Why expend that much energy? I hit stuff I shoot at..." They probably think I'm some sort of "whacko" and they probably get so tired of hearing about some technicality...
Do I look down on them because they don't seek knowledge? Nope, I'm glad if I can impart some but, if not, they're enjoying archery probably as much as I am...I'm all for them...
So when he said he doesn't "acknowledge" it just kind of rubbed me the wrong way...I'm all for "old school." There's a reason why certain techniques developed and more power to ya' if you use them and enjoy...It was just the condescending nature of his comment that made me take exception...
As far as I'm concerned, yes, we are on the same team...I just don't like automatically being put on the bench...


Quote from: sixbird on June 01, 2015, 11:00:51 AM
Quote from: Onpoint on May 31, 2015, 06:16:37 PM
Quote from: warrent423 on May 30, 2015, 10:30:42 PM
Quote from: sixbird on May 30, 2015, 05:56:56 PM
Quote from: warrent423 on May 25, 2015, 07:00:39 PM
I personally couldn't even acknowledge someone that would use something so stupid. Doesn't surprise me what works on "pet" turkeys. To each their own though.

I'm trying to hold my tongue here...You wouldn't acknowledge someone who uses what YOU think is something stupid? That, to me, is stupidity personified. Here in N.J., turkeys are as educated as anywhere ,save maybe Georgia. They've been chased, called at and seen every sort of decoy made...Funky Chicken works on them...Not forcing you to use one...Guess maybe I should take the tac that if you're closed minded enough to not even "acknowledge", I should just shut up and leave you to your prejudices...
Being of the "old school" and a traditional turkey hunter, I personally don't "acknowledge" any hunters who require decoys, no matter what kind, to kill gobblers. This is only my personal choice, along with the circle of like minded turkey hunters I run with.  If this personified my stupidity, I can live with that.
I don't hunt dekes neither, or a blind. I've been hunting turks since 92 and I've seen a lot change in my 23 years of hunting these great birds. My grandad started hunting them at lbl is the 70's when kentucky had its first season. My grandparents raised me, me y grandmother was also a school teacher, so I got to miss as much school as i wanted to hunt.

there's one tactic I don't agree with even if it is legal in places and that's hunting over bait. As far as any other legal tactic,  I'm not gonna knock anybody for hunting how they want to (as long as it don't interfere with me)

Alot of folks haven't had the times, opportunities, or mentors some of us were fortunate enough to have.

well I'm not too crazy about ground blinds neither because it does take away his number one sense, but anybody that would lug one of them big bastards in and out everyday has to be at least some kind of dedicated.

We are all supposed to be on yhe same team here.

I'm with ya' on the baiting...I'm of the opinion that that should be illegal everywhere. Like I say, some of the techniques aren't my thing but more power to ya' if it's yours. Just kind of pushed my "elitist" button when he said "acknowledge." Like he is above someone who chooses to use a decoy.
I'm probably fanatical in most peoples' opinion about archery. I can tune a bow probably as well as any professional. I have a press and a draw board and scales and any manner of stuff to make a bow perform to it's highest level. I make my own arrows and have educated opinions on arrow weight/speed/efficiency...I've studied a LOT about all of this stuff...I know guys that buy a bow, buy some arrows and shoot.
I'm sure most people look at me and think..."Why...Why expend that much energy? I hit stuff I shoot at..." They probably think I'm some sort of "whacko" and they probably get so tired of hearing about some technicality...
Do I look down on them because they don't seek knowledge? Nope, I'm glad if I can impart some but, if not, they're enjoying archery probably as much as I am...I'm all for them...
So when he said he doesn't "acknowledge" it just kind of rubbed me the wrong way...I'm all for "old school." There's a reason why certain techniques developed and more power to ya' if you use them and enjoy...It was just the condescending nature of his comment that made me take exception...
As far as I'm concerned, yes, we are on the same team...I just don't like automatically being put on the bench...
I completely understand you getting pissed. It rubbed me the wrong way too. If you like your funny lookin decoy and he works for ya, then who the hell is he "or me" to judge.


I don't get that attitude either. I've had elitist guys give me grief here on OG, and they don't even know me. I hunt with deke spreads, single deke, no dekes, I use a blind on rare occasion, I call aggressively sometimes, conservatively at other times, I've stalked up on turkeys and I've sat against trees and killed turkeys. Everything I've done is legal, and in my opinion ethical.
There are some methods of turkey hunting I haven't yet done. But the bottom line for me is, if it's legal, and it makes you happy to do it, then go for it!!! I will never understand the theory of "I don't want to do, therefore I don't approve of you doing it." Huh? ??? Makes absolutely no sense. ::)
We ALL need to support fellow hunters that use legal methods of hunting. :icon_thumright:
As VaTuRkEyStOmPeR once accused me of saying, KUMBAYA!!! ;D :TooFunny:


One of the reasons we love this site is because this rarely happens here. 
So,Kumbaya   :funnyturkey:
"If You Call Them,They Will Come."


Please don't turn this into archery talk lol
