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Started by tippatah, March 21, 2015, 12:18:50 PM

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I spotted a big Tom this morning with two hens strutting around. I drove up the road to put a little spur between myself and the birds. Got out and snuck in to about 60 yards, he had no idea I was there and was still strutting around. In the situation do I sit tight and hope he comes my way? Try little clucks and purrs? Move to where I think he might go? Or engage ninja mode and attempt to close the distance? I couldn't try any of those options because my buddy started moving up the spur further and they spooked. But for further reference what would you do?

bammerslammer 50

Usually when a gobbler is with hens I try and work the hens. He'll generally follow


If you can get infront of where they're going that'll work just fine. But I would start soft and see if I can get the hen to answer if she does id play copy cat on everything she says.
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Quote from: TauntoHawk on March 21, 2015, 02:19:35 PM
If you can get infront of where they're going that'll work just fine. But I would start soft and see if I can get the hen to answer if she does id play copy cat on everything she says.
Quote from: bammerslammer 50 on March 21, 2015, 02:15:59 PM
Usually when a gobbler is with hens I try and work the hens. He'll generally follow
Work the lead hen.


 :funnyturkey: These guys nailed it. Get that hen coming in your direction and shoot straight


Interestingly enough I encountered the same situation today. Only this time I spooked on of the hens but the other two and gobbler stayed. I waited until he started strutting again and made a couple clucks. He came looking for the hen I spooked which was right where I was standing. Unfortunately, at 50 yards he caught me slightly raising my gun and he was off. Still a good day though, learned a lot and had a blast.