Myself I sound terrible on a Cost style call, because I've almost stopped using them, and when I do I almost tare the lids off. A Cost style is the easiest to play for most folks, just a matter of opening and closing the lid, very little wrist movement needed. A Turpin style or Hen Box call requires a little more practice, because you roll your wrist a little to work the lid from the top of the rail to the inside of it, so you have to practice the timing of rolling your wrist. Yes you can just cant the lid and play just the inside of the rail, but you won't get all of the tone out of the call. A Gibson style call is the hardest to operate. Those calls you actually play it by starting on the outside of the rail, rolling your wrist to play the top of it, and finish it by playing the inside, so your really rolling your wrist as you close the lid. Just like if you were opening a door knob. Once you learn to play a call like that, you'll have problems play a Cost style call, because your wrist will automatically try to roll the lid.