Strikers are so subjective... it is really hard to say what is best. The two best strikers that I own are a one piece dymonwood from Woodyhaven and a 2 piece hickory striker. But I also went through hundreds to find them.
A one piece dymonwood is the best all around most consistent striker for me. A hickory 2 piece is a very close second. But just because you glue up a 2 piece striker, doesn't mean they wiil be good. some suck!!! have never picked up a one piece dymonwood that I thought was bad.
Some dymonwoods will be better or worse because of the dimensions used by the call maker. the ones that have the big fat domed shaped tips with a thicker shaft at the bottom are like trying to use a fence post from the back 40. Dimensions matter.
Monkey Wood is the bomb for a one piece also!!! closest stuff I have run that rivals a dymonwood, but dimensions really matter with this stuff. Jerry White sells one of the very best out there, if you do a little tweeking to the tip!!!
The fake dymonwood stuff is garbage for a striker in my opinion, way to light in weight.
When people say they carry a dozen strikers with them hunting so they can sound like a bunch of different turkeys, I chuckle. Get one or two really good calls and a couple great strikers and you can sound like dozens and dozens of turkeys, if you learn how to run them the right way instead of depending on stikers to make the different sounds, you will be better off. But to each his/her own as to what they want to run and use.