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Where To Sit?

Started by GuideGun, April 30, 2014, 07:14:23 PM

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I've got a dilemma on where to sit.  I went out this morning for the first time this year.  Located where 5 birds were roosting at.  Now I need to figure out where to sit.  The map below shows the area where the 5 birds gobbled on the roost at (Red outlined area).  The area where they roost is a really thick White Pine stand...kinda hard to maneuver in.  I am thinking about sitting at any of the orange X's.  The large field on the left has quite a few tracks on the edge.   

Given the information listed, where would you sit?  Should I sit on the field edge with decoys where I put the orange X's at?  Or should I try to get into the woods near the roost trees a couple hours before legal time and get them coming off the roost?

Thanks in Advance.


Without any other information, my first thought would be to sit in the clearing off the bottom/left X.  I would stay inside the treeline, but on the edge of that circular clearing inside the treeline.

If you do need to move, those trees will give you some cover.
Did I do that?

Fly fishermen are born honest, but they get over it.


Quote from: Marc on April 30, 2014, 07:19:42 PM
Without any other information, my first thought would be to sit in the clearing off the bottom/left X.  I would stay inside the treeline, but on the edge of that circular clearing inside the treeline.

If you do need to move, those trees will give you some cover.
Why shoot a 3.5"? Because they don't make a 4".


That clearing is where I would be
it's not the harvest,it's the chase


Wherever the nearest water source is. I would sit at whatever x is between them and the water


That clearing actually isn't a clearing at all.  The aerial photo is during fall/winter time without spring foliage on the trees, so only softwood trees are showing.  The "clearing" is actually a small stand of white birch.  I might have to screw in the mod choke and get up close and personal in those birches then.

The nearest water source is on the far right side of the map.  You can see a beaver foliage there.  So the far right X might be appealing.

Thanks for all the help guys. 

Anything else I should be considering?


I think I'd set 10yds inside the woods, in some good cover on the field edge. I'd put out a jake decoy and be very patient, don't over call unless the gobbler wants you too. I like to hunt on the edge before I try to get close to a roost. If the gobblers don't come to the field, you should get a good idea on their mornin movement, so you will know where to set up next hunt. Good luck


Supposed to be light rain showers on Monday, so hopefully it'll push them into the big field.  I plan on sitting in that "clearing" facing towards the field with a jake decoy out.  I'll sit probably 10 yards in the woods and be patient.  Going to go in pretty early and be settled by 3:30 for legal shooting at like 4:53ish.


Sit on the field at either X will work. If it's gonna rain should be birds out there mid morning. couple decoys and you should be good.


Eventful morning, they were fired up from yesterday's raining.  7 or 8 different birds gobbling.  I got in a calling competition with a hen.  Got set up and settled early around 3:50.  Had 2 moron hunters walk in front of my set up 10 minutes before legal shooting time...not sure what they were doing walking around at that time of day.  Absolutely no respect for me or my set up.  But at least they didn't set up near me.  Had a bunch of birds gobble in behind me in the woods.  Orange X is where I sat...facing the field.  Decoys to my right. The yellow dot is where I put my dekes, the red dot is where I shot my bird.  The red trail shows where my bird came from.  He gobbled across the whole field.  Shot him at around 45 yards.  11-87, .660 IC, H-13 3"/2oz/#6...bang flop.

6.5" beard....3/4" spurs.  I'm happy for my first bird ever.


Nice job! Way to go! Good looking bird.


Congrats on a fine gobbler!


Congrats on your first gobbler. WTG......


I believe I'd sit where you did.   Congrats on your first bird and I hope there's many more in your future!
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