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Grouped up turkeys

Started by jims, March 22, 2014, 10:05:49 AM

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I've heard that grouped up turkeys are pretty tough to get to call in or entice to come to decoys.  I'll be using a bow during the first week in Nebraska and was wondering what tactics may work for early bunched up turkeys?  Is there a particular decoy set up that may work...group of hens, single hen, etc?  I'll be using a bow so it may be tough getting in close with so many turkeys.


You've got to get in close


I was thinking about it and it may work to set up a few decoys in the late afternoon near their roosting tree?


I don't use decoys so can't help ya there. I know if I can get within a 80 yards or so my chances greatly increase. Persistence helps a lot to as it may take a few hours to get into a position I feel I can kill em from



My girl and I ran into the same situation in western Nebraska. Lots of birds!! They paid little attention to decoys but she killed one that followed in a hen that got upset with me then another that thought he might like to get in on the fight that he heard. That of course, was us. After that they dispersed into the pine ridges and it was more like normal the next day. I believe you could stay out of a blind, stay mobile and still successfully bowhunt them.
Momma said "Kill that turkey"


This topic perked my attention.  Now I don't by any means claim to be an expert but I often encounter grouped up birds the first few weeks of the season in New Mexico and here in Utah.  I feel that if you can get them roosted it is worth the risk to get in close.  It seems often times the gobbler will fly down first to start putting on a show and with a little luck you can pull him into range before the ladies join him.  Remember though, when you're in tight don't over due it while he's on the roost!


I just returned from Nebraska where it was just as predicted.  Most of the turkeys in my area where in groups of 15 to 75 birds!  Talk about a lot of eyes..very difficult for spot and stalking with bow!  They wanted 0 to do with calls and wouldn't come close to a blind with decoys.  They were super vocal and responded to calls but were just social chattering.  I called numerous hens and jakes away from the groups but 0 mature toms.  Although I was among the turkeys from before sunlight to after they roosted about the only time I heard toms gobble was before light while they were on the roost.

Several toms I tried an aggressive approach holding a tom decoy with real fan while stalking.  I got close but not close enough for bow shots.  The toms definitely didn't want anything to do with a battle!  It was about 180 degree different than what you might see on "turkey reapers"!  Maybe in a couple weeks?

I tried time after time to get in front of turkey groups and had MANY close encounters that just didn't quite work out with bow...shotgun would have been a piece of cake!   About the only big game I can think of that I've had this much trouble stalking with bow...is antelope!  I have a new appreciation for how tough it can be to hunt non-rutting (or what ever it is called) turkeys in large flock groups with a bow!