Found me a big ol black walnut limb yesterday, probaly about 20 feet long, big end mite go 18 inches or so, little end about 7 or 8, has several bends & twist also a few places where limbs grew off of it, hate to see it cut up for fire wood & the gent said I could have what I wanted of it.
I have several projects in mind if its fit to use, if I can find some fit'n wood with some charicter in it I would love to have a gun stock built for my .22 squirrel rifle, a nice handle for a long bow & of course pieces for a few calls.
I guess the first thing I need to ask is could the wood in a limb even be used for anything, what would be the smartest way to cut it up for drying,and...what about kiln drying the wood ??
Thanks in advance, figured you gents would have some food for thought on this.