Been a rough one so far. Opening day my buddy and I set up on a field and had 5 gobbling off the roost around us. 4 gobbled after they hit the ground w/ 2 gobbling about 30 times each between 6:30 and 8:30. None would move to any calling and woods are just too open to safely move much after daylight with birds on hilltops around us. Sunday morning awoke to torrential rains but tried to hunt a couple of fields in afternoon after it stopped. Monday morning I set up on hill where one of the birds was gobbling Saturday but it broke loose raining at first light and after trying to get one to gobble for a few minutes I left to get to work. This morning I had the same bird gobbling but he hit ground quickly and I could not get in front of him. Tried to call him but a very rude hen informed me that I was wasting my time. Been a very wet overcast week but tomorrow should be nice and I have a set up plan to be on this birds normal travel route. We shall see...,