Was out sat. trying to kill another bird with my bow and what a day it was. Sounded like every gobbler in the woods was on my hill side. I saw the flock of longbeards after flydown but they wouldn't give me a look. They moved on,gobbling, with the dominant bird in strut. About an hour later I heard hens and looked to the west and saw the flock of longbeards and hens with the ol' boy still in strut. The lead hen came over and checked my spread but didn't think it was worth the time and moved away with the flock in tow. At 10:00 I spotted another flock of hens moving past at 100 yrds. with no looks. I was well into my Jack Reacher novel at 2:00 when more hens came in. They were in range but I couldn't get a shot. Hunting in the timber can be a pain at times. So I went back to my read when I heard the agressive purr of a turkey. I looked up and saw the longbeard of a hen.There were three of them and they wern't happy with intruders feeding in there area.Well down goes the book,off go the reading glasses and up comes the bow. She took da torch in the back and went about 10 feet.