The wax will reduce the the moisture transfer from the wood to the atmosphere or vice versa to a minimum -- I go through plenty of ebony and the wax is nessessay to keep it from splitting as the woodbegins to dry , slowly ...-- sa glue , or many types of glue especialy on the ends on larger pieces is a must -- bigger pieces I keep inside the house for a long time , then I slice it up to smaller pieces and wax or glue the ends , by the time I reduce it to call making size its air dried out correctly , has no wax on it and sits in my rack out in my garage -- I monitor it again for some time -- then from there it goes into my calls ---
Be cautious of sellers who slather up a piece of wood with wax , the wax can often times camouflage checks and splits until you get it home -- I like many others have been burned in this manner before -