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Started by HoggleGobble, September 01, 2013, 01:58:22 PM

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Below is a post I wrote on my Facebook wall, and felt the need to share it with my OG buddies. I don't post much on politics, but just needed to rant.

People, this Syrian crisis is huge. I usually don't like reading people's political views on my news feed (unless they agree with my own.. Ha). But whether or not the Syrian government used chemical weapons, Obama has us between a rock and a hard place. He makes a claim that we will help retaliate, with having no evidence in hand initially (although Kerry states we do now). Now the ONLY people that will help the US attack is France..... Really??? FRANCE?!?!?!? The men over there don't even punch, they slap!!! Britain has even pulled the reigns back. But NOW, whether we attack or don't, it's a lose lose situation for the US. If we attack, Russia, China, Iran ( and many many others) have warned that they will get involved, meaning basically WW3.. Syria is known to have many many chemical weapons as well. But if we don't get involved, then all other terrorist countries see us as that little Chihuahua.. We bark and bark, and then realize nobody is behind us to help, then we tuck our tale, shut up, and go back home.. UN investigators have gone in Syria and have taken samples of the dead bodies to see if chemical weapons have been used, but whose to say the rebel forces didn't sacrifice their own to gain sympathy from US? After I watched the video of the Rebel leader ( who we are wanting to help) cut the heart and liver out of an enemy and then eat it on camera, it had me wandering who are we really helping? Obama doesn't help with Benghazi, then wants to take perceivable steps towards taking our guns away, and now has every terroristic country in the world waiting for us to make our next move..... It just doesn't make sense as to why he would provide guns abroad, but take them away at home....... Hopefully the world will have all the correct evidence before congress votes September 9th, so we can all get on the same page before the way we live our day to day lives changes here at home....
Let's all just take time to say a prayer for our country and the steps that God has us to make. And oh yeah, guess what town is in the center of it all.......... Damascus!! If you don't know how significant that is, then open your bibles to Isaiah 17 (an event signaling the end of times).... Sorry for the rant. Have a good Sunday and enjoy labor day with your loved ones!!


I agree with you wholeheartedly. Obama is a terrible leader, who has wrecked American foreign policy to benefit the Muslims. We have no business in Syria, or the middle East, except for defending our ally, Israel.
Personally, I think that other than maintaining our bases overseas, we should bring home all of our troops, and not go to war again unless we are attacked on US soil. We can no longer afford, either monetarily or politically, to continue being the world's policeman. We need to take care of America first :smiley-patriotic-flagwaver-an and fix the miss we have at home.
I wouldn't worry about the other countries thinking that Obama is a coward. They already know that!! And, they know we are only vote away from getting new people in office that won't tolerate radical Islam's BS, like Obama does.
I think America will be OK.........as long as the next election doesn't give the liberals control of the House and the Senate. If that does happen though, we're screwed. :o


Quote from: RutnNStrutn on September 02, 2013, 02:02:21 PM
I agree with you wholeheartedly. Obama is a terrible leader, who has wrecked American foreign policy to benefit the Muslims. We have no business in Syria, or the middle East, except for defending our ally, Israel.
Personally, I think that other than maintaining our bases overseas, we should bring home all of our troops, and not go to war again unless we are attacked on US soil. We can no longer afford, either monetarily or politically, to continue being the world's policeman. We need to take care of America first :smiley-patriotic-flagwaver-an and fix the miss we have at home.
I wouldn't worry about the other countries thinking that Obama is a coward. They already know that!! And, they know we are only vote away from getting new people in office that won't tolerate radical Islam's BS, like Obama does.
I think America will be OK.........as long as the next election doesn't give the liberals control of the House and the Senate. If that does happen though, we're screwed. :o
:agreed: 110%. Sad times we live in & lets pray that next time we get somebody other than any Lib to run our great nation. May God help guide us through this........ :jesus-cross: :smiley-patriotic-flagwaver-an


it is none of our business
it's not the harvest,it's the chase