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The 3rd Amendment...do you know what it is??

Started by captpete, June 01, 2013, 07:25:35 AM

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Excellent! Most people don't think in terms of the Constitution...A most important document that our representatives have bypassed and perverted at the expense of our freedoms and rights. If you consider most legislation passed by our representatives through the prism of the Constitution, it doesn't pass muster...We have allowed them to compromise our freedoms and rights and the results are coming home to roost, so to speak...


I totally think in terms of the Constitution! How could you not when Obama's administration is trampling all over it, and thinks they can do whatever they want? ??? Barry O and his cronies need to be impeached, then put on trial for treason!! >:( >:( >:(


I'm with ya' brutha'...Trouble is by the time our reps. get to that level, they've been vetted by the power brokers (banks/investment banks, etc.) and have their backing. The media is complicit for the most part and congress enables if not abets...Look at Bilderberg membership and tell me why the heads of business, education, military, religion, gov't of most influential countries and news media moguls need to meet in secret...AND, what do they discuss???
It smells like bad fish, especially in light of the recent revelations regarding invasion of privacy and gov't bullying here in the U.S.


And how about the military being told not to read concervitive books while in uniform. The worst part to me is how many people are suprised by all this. Thats why we're here, because of dumb masses.


Good one Longspur, "dumb masses..." I agree, low information voters/racists who vote on the basis of skin color (not a racist statement, just statement of fact)/liberals who are looking for a "Messiah"/voters who benefit from gov't handouts, and good people who sit by and let it happen...