Quote from: GSLAM95 on March 15, 2011, 02:31:35 AM
Guys I am obviously new at navigating this site, could someone tell me where the rules are for the contest? Is there any difference in scoring bowkilled birds compared to Gun kills etc?
No sir. What you have to do is show a picture of the birds spurs(both right and left) measuring the length with a tape measure. We need a pic of the beard also with a tape measure from the base to the very tip. We need a pic of the bird on a scale showing the weight. Finally, we need a pic of you with the bird and all the stats and a final score on a piece of paper. The birds are scored by the NWTF scoring system, and there is a gobblermatic scoring calculator that has been posted up by OG himself on the contest thread.
If you go to the kill threads on some of the teams birds have already been killed, and you can see the pics I am talking about.
, and welcome. You're gonna make a great addition to the team!