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2013 Mississippi Turkey Season w/ pics and vids

Started by longbeards21, May 01, 2013, 06:07:46 PM

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April 2, 2013
I acquired permission from a guy that I work with, to hunt his deer lease. I rode out yesterday evening just to make sure I could find the place. When I pulled up yesterday evening, I told my wife, "this is good, this is Real good."  I pulled up this morning at 550, suited up, and took off. At 603, I was beebopping down a road that looked promising and a bird gobbled about 200 yards through the pines. I waited a few minutes and could hear two more birds blowing it out about 400 yards down the road further. I got to a little crossroad and was standing listening and it scared me to death when all the birds started hammering. It was the most birds I had ever heard in one morning. There was one group of birds that gobbled that was too close for comfort. I put up jake and lulu in the middle of the crossroad and set back about 35 yards and the birds were just blowing it out. I have never in my life had a morning like this. Its 615, way to dark for the birds to pitch down, so I aint even got my gloves and mask on yet, gun is laying on the ground beside me. I look up and there is a longbeard, full strut, standing by my decoys. I lifted my gun as he faced away from me and could not see my sights and plus my contact decided to blur up. I put it where I thought it was close enough and let it rip. I almost chunked my gun when the bird flew off. When I pumped the empty shell out to reload, the birds gobbled at the noise. It was like I never even pulled the trigger. 15 minutes and a ton of gobbles later, I had 5 longbeards strutting down the road to my decoys. As they all stood side by side, I had to wait for one of them to clear all the rest and finally one of the birds stepped out just enough to get a shot and I filled his head up with lead. As he lay there a flopping, the other four birds proceeded to prounce on him and continued to gobble in my face. I had to run the birds off to get up and then even once I got my bird and started the walk out, birds were still gobbling. Definitely one of the best turkey hunts Ive ever had and I owe it all to the man above.
Beard =9"
Spurs =1 1/8"
1 3/16"

Small video I took with my cell phone, after I had already shot my bird.

April 6, 2013
When I killed my bird April 2 on the new place, I left there with birds gobbling, in hopes that I could take my wife back Saturday morning to get her a bird. Even better, her birthday was April 5 and she had a pretty good one but it would have been awesome to get her a bird on her birthday weekend. With her work schedule, she only gets to hunt on the weekends.

We parked the truck at 550 and started the walk to where I wanted to be when they woke up. Sure enough, at about 605, I hooted and he blew it out about 200 yards down the road we were on. I closed the gap about 50 yards and put jake and lulu up in the road, with this bird constantly gobbling along with two or three others. I knew it was gonna be a good setup because we had not heard a hen and we were in between the birds that were gobbling. My wife was super pumped cause she had never heard a bird gobble this much on the limb and especially since we were pretty close. Well we got dug into the base of a pine tree and I threw a few soft clucks at him and he answered both times. I waited about 10 minutes and he gobbles on his own so I did a fly down and cackled and he cut me off. There was another 10 minutes of silence and he hammered again, on the ground this time, about 100 yards out. I gave it a few minutes and called to him and he answered and had closed the distance and was just out of sight. I was telling my wife that I could hear him drumming when I heard her click the gun off safety and she said, "oh my gosh there he is and he is in full strut." I told her to shoot whenever she was ready. The bird put on a show and was facing us at 35 steps, I asked her if she was ready and she said yeah, so I cut at him real hard and as he started to poke his bright blue head up, she rocked his world. The Remington 870 12ga, jellyhead choke, with a nitro 3.5" put a woopin on him. I am so glad to have a wife that loves to spend time with me chasing deer and turkeys. It was definitely an awesome memory made and a moment that we will never forget. After the hugs and high fives, we got on two more birds, to try and get me one but they wouldn't cooperate.
10" beard
1"spurs on both

May 1, 2013 (last day of MS season)
Well I been struggling the past few days, not hearing much and battling with my allergies. Starting Sunday morning, my buddy called me and told me that there was bird strutting with two hens in one of my spots that I hunt. Got suited up, got there, got settled in, called to him and then hens took him away and he would not change his mind. Yesterday morning I got to a spot where is usually pretty productive and nothing, not even a hen. Set there till 8 o clock, calling about every 20 mins. I got up to leave and the same bird from sunday morning, was in the same exact spot, with the same two hens. I eased up, called to him and this time he started to come in since I was between him and the hens but the hens come around me, cut him off and led him away again. So, this morning I had my thoughts together. Its not typically how I like to kill a bird but its the last day of the season, he had been uncooperative twice before, and it was pouring rain, so I will take it. I got settled in, did not even take a call with me so that I would not be tempted to use it. Sure enough, same spot, same two hens, come feeding by me and he was trailing them about 50 yards, blowed up. A crow come over and he gobbled one time and then continued towards me. When he finally made it to me, he was in grass that was a lot taller than what I thought and I could barely see him so I putted with my mouth and he raised up over the grass to check it out and boy was that a mistake. At 45 yards, the 3.5" nitros, put a wooping on that ol gizzard. Even though I don't like killing turkeys like that, I was pretty pumped up about this one because for once, my plans worked out the way they were supposed to.
STATS: (noticed in the picture that I gave my spurs 1/8" on my name sheet, didn't realize where I was holding the tape)
beard = 10.5'
r spur = 1"
l spur = 1"
approximately 18lbs


Awesome congrats!!
Can i get directions to the property!!!
My wife also loves to turkey hunt with me!!!

Gold Spur

Woo Pig Sooie!!!


2013 Ms. season was pitifully pathetic  here
it's not the harvest,it's the chase




Ruger M77

I eat therefore I hunt


Congrats on your season, I can tell by the look on your sons face that he is gonna be a turkey killer.
Go Big Blue!!!!!!




Never Misses


Congrats to you and your wife. Great stuff!

kansas hooks
