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Roosted Hangup

Started by belcikmj, April 25, 2013, 06:04:53 PM

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Well I finally got him this past Monday morning! Set up in the usual spot and as day broke he was not in his usual tree. It was overcast and spitting rain. I could hear one bird gobble about 500 yards away in the woods, I did a little calling and he started gobbling back. Waited a little, did a few more yelps on the mouth call and he responded, did this call and response routine for about 30 mins, with each gobble getting louder and closer! I was figuring he would walk up this trail that I was setup overlooking but he came into the woods behind my back, I was setup on a tree with a honeysuckle growing at the base of it. So I turned around and got up on my knees, raised my shotgun, and he was at 20 yards headed straight towards me, I shot and dropped him. I am fairly certain it was the bird I had been seeing on the roost for the previous week. It was an awesome hunt! My favorite yet! 2nd bird of my life, 24 lbs, 11" beard and 1" spurs! Getting him mounted strutting! Tagged out in Ohio!!!




That's awesome.  congrats!  :icon_thumright:
Pass it on...

Mike Honcho

It's not impossible to be a Stealth Ninja but the terrain makes a difference.   I had same situation and finally closed the deal after three tries...first try I set up with a couple of dekes about 100 yards from where they fly down, called after flydown ...henned up didn't work.

2. Roosted birds...got in pretty close...very early in dark but was a moonlight night so I could't get as close as I wanted. Flew down...henned up , went other direction with hens.

3. Roosted one tom , 4 hens , same exact spot. Got up at 4:20 AM , got to field and got in real close...last 40-50 yards I took a step about every 5 seconds and picked my way thru cornstalks, sticks etc. on field edge to be extremely quiet...got set up by my tree at 5:00AM (field is only 2-3 miles from my house) .  Was cloudy so darker, better cover. Wasn't sure of the exact roost tree but I thought I was close so I sat pretty much motionless till flydown time.
Cool,  Cloudy,  no gobbles at all...heard big wings at 6:20 , got gun up...he hit ground 25 yards in front of me and took about three steps...got a ride home in my truck.

Sure I'd like to have called him in from 400 yards away but with these birds being henned up that wasn't working
so I changed my tactics. 


If u want him real bad limb shoot him. If its legal then its fair game. Here in wv we can limb shoot them plus we can use rifles I wander how many are shot off the roost. Lol


Quote from: TauntoHawk on April 26, 2013, 07:46:54 AM
Quote from: MouthCaller on April 25, 2013, 09:34:30 PM
unless you're a stealth ninja there's no way you'll make it all the way to the tree he's sitting in without busting him... go try it at 1 am if you want it will not happen... Do what TRKYHTR said to do you'll get him...

I must be Stealth Ninja, get in early before they wake up and I can get as close as I want if I slide in quiet and without using a flashlight. Deer walk around the woods at night under them all the time. My go too tactic on crafty birds is be 50-60yds no further off their tree in the direction they will likely fly down but Ive had numerous times where I've been 30,20 even 8yds from birds in the trees.

I missed page 2. Congrats on a nice bird. I new you would tag him.

Funny story to go with getting close. This Oct I was bowhunting I climbed my tree as I get on my platform I stand up and I am in a rooste of about 15 turkeys. It felt like I was in the bat cave I had wings and birds hitting me from every angle. It took a few to realize what had happened. Thats  a way to get the heart pumping in the morning.

Im with you taunto I have been so lose I didn't even see him until he mooved because he was strait over head. I am in real early and 10 yds has not been a problem. I don't necessarily like when that happens but hey it is what it is.
To the OP You have gotten some good advise here. You will get him. No doubt though if you can see him you can not call.


Quote from: mikejd on May 02, 2013, 08:19:33 PM
Quote from: TauntoHawk on April 26, 2013, 07:46:54 AM
Quote from: MouthCaller on April 25, 2013, 09:34:30 PM
unless you're a stealth ninja there's no way you'll make it all the way to the tree he's sitting in without busting him... go try it at 1 am if you want it will not happen... Do what TRKYHTR said to do you'll get him...

I must be Stealth Ninja, get in early before they wake up and I can get as close as I want if I slide in quiet and without using a flashlight. Deer walk around the woods at night under them all the time. My go too tactic on crafty birds is be 50-60yds no further off their tree in the direction they will likely fly down but Ive had numerous times where I've been 30,20 even 8yds from birds in the trees.

I missed page 2. Congrats on a nice bird. I new you would tag him.

Funny story to go with getting close. This Oct I was bowhunting I climbed my tree as I get on my platform I stand up and I am in a rooste of about 15 turkeys. It felt like I was in the bat cave I had wings and birds hitting me from every angle. It took a few to realize what had happened. Thats  a way to get the heart pumping in the morning.

Im with you taunto I have been so lose I didn't even see him until he mooved because he was strait over head. I am in real early and 10 yds has not been a problem. I don't necessarily like when that happens but hey it is what it is.
To the OP You have gotten some good advise here. You will get him. No doubt though if you can see him you can not call.
You guys are nuts for getting in that close... no way Id chance busting one off the roost and thats exactly what it is is a chance... more often than not you will bust one off the roost than for him to not notice you, its just plain dumb...

Turkey Trot

Quote from: mikejd on May 02, 2013, 08:19:33 PM
To the OP You have gotten some good advise here. You will get him. No doubt though if you can see him you can not call.

Read the thread.  He did get him.
Until The Turkeys Have Their Historians, Tales Of The Hunt Shall Always Glorify The Hunter

Mike Honcho

It's not nuts if you know the ground...in the woods I would say not a good idea.  BUT...I hunt edges of corn or soybean fields and sometimes pastures along creeks...if you can walk in without making any noise it works...last season set up under one 10 yards behind me...he rode home in my truck. When I get close to where I think bird was roosted I slow way down...may take me 10 minutes to go last 30-40 yards.


Quote from: TRKYHTR on April 25, 2013, 06:53:25 PM
Get in there a little earlier. Set up where he normally flies down to. Don't put out a decoy or call. Wait until he hits the ground until you call, soft clucks and yelps. You will kill him.
:agreed: My thoughts exactly Joe!! :icon_thumright:


Ah, I see you got him, congrats on a fine bird, and on tagging out!! :icon_thumright:


Quote from: Mike Honcho on May 03, 2013, 11:13:28 AM
It's not nuts if you know the ground...in the woods I would say not a good idea.  BUT...I hunt edges of corn or soybean fields and sometimes pastures along creeks...if you can walk in without making any noise it works...last season set up under one 10 yards behind me...he rode home in my truck. When I get close to where I think bird was roosted I slow way down...may take me 10 minutes to go last 30-40 yards.
I can see that happening in that situation I was thinking of walking into hardwoods getting that close which is pretty much all there are around here besides the cow pastures. Lots of hilly terrain with a ton of leaves rocks in the hardwoods, here its cray but it might be a better tactic somewhere else.


Thanks guys! Cant wait to get him back from the taxidermist!